Chapter 3: Magic Always Comes At A Price

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It had been two days now since Y/N had disappeared and there was still no sign of her throughout the kingdom. Everyone started helping to search but my hope was quickly wearing away. I couldn't sleep, eat or take care of my royal duties. I felt so weak. What if something bad happened? What if I'd never see them again? "Regina! I found something!" Snow approached me alongside Emma. She handed me a piece of shiny black fabric. It was definitely a piece of clothing that I recognised. "Can you do a locater spell on this?" Emma suggested. They both looked so hopeful. "No... This is from one of my dresses, it wouldn't work." I screwed it up in my hand and held it to my chest. Where are you Y/N? I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. As I opened them I saw Y/N running towards me. I couldn't believe it. Their dress was shredded from head to toe and they were covered in wounds. Y/N sprinted up to me and collapsed into my arms. I teleported us to the castle and laid them down on the couch. I collected a damp rag and placed it on Y/N forehead before using my magic to heal the deep cuts and bruises littering their body. I waved my hand instantly changing them into a satin gown and sat down across from them. I had to tell the others that I found Y/N but I wasn't going to leave their side. Not a chance. "Guard!" I shouted. Two of them came running into the room and bowed. "Yes your majesty?" One asked nervously. "Go find Snow White and inform her that Y/N has returned. Stop the search parties too." They both nodded and left the room in a rush. Y/N whined in her sleep and started struggling. She shot a ray of magic narrowly missing my head before stopping altogether. I sat frozen when I realised that her magic had turned dark. It takes something very traumatic to do that and she'd never even seen someone use it before.


My eyes slowly fluttered open and I sat up cautiously. Where was I? As my eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness that surrounded me, I realised I was in Regina's bedroom. She was curled up on a chair across from me. There were bags under her eyes and her face was much paler than usual. Her usual dark makeup and regal outfit was traded in for loose curls and a nightgown. But It didn't look like she had slept for a week. I crawled out of the bed, feeling much weaker than usual and picked her up bridal style. My body ached in response but I did my best to ignore it and gently laid her down on the bed. I kissed her temple and rolled in next to her. I still felt like I hadn't slept either. I just wanted to lay here with my love and forget the world existed for a little while. In her sleep Regina wrapped her arms around me protectively. I smiled as I dozed off, I felt protected with her by my side......

"Y/N can you hear me?" I woke up to Regina's voice. She looked extremely concerned but hugged me the second I sat up. "I've been so worried about you darling. You were asleep for days!" I was actually surprised by that. Even after seeing her exhausted state last night I couldn't believe it had been so long since I came home. My thoughts wandered to the day I left and how fast things went downhill. I quickly shook my head and hugged Regina back tightly. I wanted today to be a happy one. We were reunited with nothing standing in our way. As we parted I could tell something was still wrong. Regina wouldn't let it show but something else was still bothering her. "What's wrong love?" I asked, holding her hand and massaging it. She sighed heavily and locked eyes with me. "I couldn't be happier that you are awake I just wish Henry was here with us. It feels wrong without him here, he's never around anymore " she admitted. Her eyes were welling up with tears as every word left her mouth. My heart felt heavy seeing her like this. Henry has been her whole world from the moment she became his Mother. Hmm maybe that was it!

I held both her hands and pecked her on the lips. "Go find our son" I ordered
, much like she would one of her guards and gave a reassuring smile. She knew better then to question me since I could be such a stubborn person and hesitantly nodded. "Okay but don't you dare step a foot out of this castle. You need to rest ."
"I promise ." And with those two words she left to get ready. The second that I saw her carriage leave the castle grounds I jumped out of bed and snapped my fingers. I instantly changed into one of Reginas outfits, I looked much more presentable which is exactly what I needed given what I was about to do. "Rumplestiltskin!" I shouted. "There's no need to shout dearie. I have a feeling you want to make a deal." He laughed and began walking circles around me. I rolled my eyes at him and bit my tongue. Of course that's what I wanted! "Yes, well I'm not sure if you're aware but many years back Regina drank a potion and it meant that she could never fall pregnant. I want you to undo it." I demanded, pointing my finger an inch away from his face. He stopped right in front of me and made a bottle of red liquid appear in his hand. I reached for it but he yanked it back just as quickly. "This potion will do the job but nothing comes for free dearie." He explained. I balled my fists up in anger. I had no patience for his games. "Fine! What do you want?" He reached out and yanked my glove off. He was holding a small needle and had an evil smile. "One drop of your blood and it's yours."
"Deal." I shoved my hand in front of him and he pricked my finger, letting the drop of blood fall into a small bottle before making it disappear. He handed me the potion and laughed again. "Just make sure you both drink the potion and Regina will be able to fall pregnant as if nothing ever happened. At the cost of your ability to that is but don't worry it'll be well worth it." Before I could say anything he teleported away. I should have known there would be a catch. Magic always comes at a price. I shoved the potion in my pocket and decided it was worth it,

Several hours later Regina returned home without Henry. She was devastated but as usual tried to hide it from me. She was sitting at the fireplace watching the flames crack and burn in silence. I wanted to believe that I could comfort her but I knew in this moment that I couldn't. I pulled the potion out of my pocket and fidgeted with it as I walked into the kitchen. It was empty due to the fact that Regina ordered all the house keepers to leave early. I pulled out an expensive bottle of red wine and poured it into two glasses. I looked at the potion one more time before adding it all to our drinks. If this could help Regina feel that happiness she gets from being a Mother again. I'd do anything. I walked back into the living room and handed one to her. She smiled at me sadly and chugged nearly the whole glass in one go. Her hand started shaking and she dropped it. She fell onto her knees and threw up all over the stone flooring. Y/N what did you do?" I rushed to help her up and that's when I noticed what looked like a small baby bump showing through her tight dress....

The Evil Queens True Love (Regina Mills X Reader Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now