Chapter 5: All Of You

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We landed about a mile away from the castle and started trudging through the thick forest. Before we could even take five steps the evil Regina appeared in front of us, blocking our only way through. "Hello darling." She greeted me with a mischievous grin. "What do you want?" Zelena snapped. "Oh hey sis long time no see! What's your problem?" She asked nonchalantly. "You tried to kill me!"
"Oh right. You take things so seriously. It doesn't really matter because I'm not here to talk to you. I'm here for you." She added, giving me direct eye contact. I wanted to object since the last thing I wanted to do was talk to her. I knew that I had feelings for both half's of Regina but I would stay faithful even in these unconventional circumstances. She teleported us to a dark, lonely part of the forest and caressed my cheek. "You know I love you." She confided, confidence dripping from her voice. "Well it's one sided." I spat. I didn't want to be here right now because I secretly found this side of Regina very attractive. "Oh really are you sure about that?" She questioned sarcastically. She got inches away from my face. Our lips were so close a kiss would be inevitable... "NO!" I jumped back and looked her up and down with disgust. I stormed off infuriated, not looking back and teleported home. Zelena knew her way to the castle. She didn't need my help. I slowly entered the bedroom where Regina was propped up against the bed head. She was nibbling at some bread but dropped it. "I can't eat right now." She admitted. I made my way over to her and lifted the table. She finally glanced my way and smiled. "Y/N where have you been?" I sat down next to her and shook my head. "You don't need to worry about that." Regina convinced me to nap with her knowing that I would be tired. I agreed and rested my hands on her large baby bump. I awoke later that night to an empty bed, it was unusual for Regina not to be in here. I hurriedly got up racing to go find her but stopped when a letter on the dresser became visible. Reginas cursive handwriting was sprawled across the paper.


Meet me on the highest balcony of the castle once you read this. There's something I want to show you .

Your love Regina xo

I scrunched up the letter and shoved it in my pocket. I couldn't even guess what this was about, I was caught completely off guard. I changed into some more formal attire and made my way to the balcony anxiously. My heart was beating a mile a minute as I advanced towards Regina. She looked beautiful in the moonlight, her dress sparkled reflecting rainbows and her crown stood tall atop her head of curls. I snaked my arms around her waist and rested my hands on her belly. The black sequins resembled the texture of sandpaper crunching under my fingers. "Does the sky look familiar to you? She asked softly. I gazed up at the darkness. The only source of light was the full moon surrounded by countless twinkling stars. "It resembles the night I told you that I love you for the first time . I was so nervous." She continued, resting her hands on mine. I twirled her around to face me, leaning in to kiss her but she placed a finger on my lips. "I didn't brung you out here just to reminisce... Since you've been around I smile a lot more than I used to. And I can't imagine losing that. You are my happy ending. Y/N will you marry me?" She asked tearfully, revealing a black box hidden in her pocket. She popped it open showing a beautiful engagement ring encrusted with diamonds and an obsidian adorning the middle. I admired it closely but closed the box. Regina examined me clearly feeling betrayed and heartbroken. "I don't understand." Was all she dared to say and took a large step back from me. I started thinking about what happened earlier today with the evil queen and my sadness must have been obvious because Regina was observing me closely. "What's wrong?" She demanded. I took a deep breath and prepared myself to say something I didn't think I'd ever admit to myself let alone Regina. "I do think about when we first fell in love, it was the happiest day of my life so far but you were a different person... You hadn't separated yourself into good and evil yet." I explained. My voice felt weak as if at any moment I wouldn't be able to say anything at all. "But I did that because it's what everyone would have wanted! I did the right thing. They didn't like that part of me." She mumbled sadly. "I did!" I shouted. "Wait. What?" Her face was full of shock, she was frozen in place. "I've always loved EVERY PART of you. The good, the evil. EVERYTHING. And then you went and took part of that away without considering how it would make me feel." My words were becoming jumbled and weaker. I couldn't say anymore as the cries I'd been hiding from my love took over. "I cant marry you when it's not every part of you." I darted inside the castle and sprinted through the halls until I reached the entrance where I could be alone. That was truly one of the most difficult things I'd ever done in my life.

"So you do love me then?" Reginas evil half boasted, laughing evilly. Why did she always show up at the worst of times? I growled and shoved her away. "I don't know who you think you are but just leave me alone!" She scowled at me in return and dusted herself off. "If that's what you really want but you will regret this my love." She threatened but not in her typical sour mood. She had instantly changed to an oddly happy one. If I knew her at all by now that could only mean one thing and it's the last thing I needed right now. Revenge.

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