Chapter 4: A Sister In Need

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Regina stared at me like I had two heads. We were both dumbfounded by what had just occurred. Was she actually pregnant or was this some crazy dream? She stumbled to a nearby chair and fell on it. I rushed to her side and placed my hand on her forehead. It was exceptionally hot, she was clearly sick. I copied what she always did for me and found a rag, wetting it and placing it on her forehead. I glanced down at the supposed baby bump that had grown in a matter of seconds and attempted not to gape at it. She appeared to be about 4 months along already.

4 Months Later

Everything had changed since Regina fell pregnant. She wasn't able to leave the castle due to being so unwell and barely left our bed. This was nothing like the Queen I remembered but I was constantly reminding myself that not much of her was these days. I scowled at the concept and decided to focus on my task at hand. I was travelling to the Charmings castle in search of help. Snow was a Mother of two and had much experience with pregnancy and babies before much unlike Regina or I. But I was debating whether I should have traveled to Oz in search for Zelena instead. She was Regina's sister and also had a daughter. I continued fighting with myself about it until I reached the castle. It was crowded with people from all over the kingdom and they looked angry. I swiftly made my way out of my carriage and teleported inside. There wasn't a chance I could make my way through that crowd. "Y/N?" Snow asked. She ran to me and threw her arms around me in a tight hug. We hadn't seen each other since everyone moved back to the Enchanted Forest. "Hi Snow. I need your help." I confessed. She looked at me with concern but nodded her head. "Anything." Relief coursed through my body as I started to explain everything that had happened in the past few months. Snow couldn't believe that we were actually expecting a baby but was ecstatic nonetheless. "Please come back with me. I need to make sure Regina and the baby will be okay." I pleaded. I was seconds away from bawling my eyes out. The whole situation was taking a toll on me but I tried not to let it show because I needed to be strong. "Y/N I really wish I could but Neil is sick and won't let me out of his sight. I need to stay here to look after him. Im sorry." As if on cue David carried in a whining toddler asking for his Mummy. Snow pulled him into her arms and tried to soothe him. "It's okay, I understand. I think I'm going to go to Oz and find Zelena, surely she can help."
Our conversation was interrupted by screams from just outside. We walked to a nearby balcony where it was obvious that the people outside were even more distressed than when I arrived.





Emma, David and Henry joined us on the balcony. They glanced between each other frantically clearly not sure of what to say to ease the problem. I made my way to the front of the group and cleared my throat. "There's no need to worry. Our Queen means you no harm. She cares about all of you, just ask anyone from Storybrooke. She is a good Queen and she is unwell. But if any of you try to harm her it will be considered treason and you will be sent to the dungeons. Understood?" Before anyone got a chance to respond I teleported to a nearby field. I didn't have time for all of that complaining. I planned to be home by sundown and was yet to find Zelena. I spun around examining the field but it was a ghost town. I shut my eyes and focused on my magic, shooting a ray of it with both hands into the air. A green tornado appeared in the distance and quickly approached me, destroying everything in it's way. As we collided I revolved uncontrollably causing my stomach to drop. I tumbled onto my hands and knees close to being sick but all feelings of nausea left me as the emerald castle caught my eyes. I smiled and rose to my feet, this was going to be a lot faster than I first anticipated. As I made my way to the heavy green doors of Zelenas castle, they slowly opened. I glanced behind me before strutting through them. Guards were standing all around me, weapons in hand but they didn't dare make a move towards me as if they knew I wasn't to be tested.

"Zelena!." I called out impatiently. Where could she be? The orange haired, once again green woman appeared from behind a curtain and approached me, nothing but a frown adorning her face. "Y/N what could you possibly be doing in Oz?" She questioned. It was no secret that I didn't care for this place, everyone knew it. "I need your help." I confessed. I was aware that she wouldn't be keen to help me considering that I never made a big effort to get to know her after Regina and I got together but it went both ways. Most of the time she acted like I was invisible. She felt as if I'd stolen her chance at having a good relationship with her sister. "Why don't you go ask Regina? She's the one you're always running to when something goes wrong or was destroying her family not worth it hmm?" She demanded. I sighed and bit my tongue, showing a fake smile. "Actually Regina needs your help, she's pregnant."
"Oh, really? And of course she didn't tell me." Zelena mumbled. She was so angry that steam might as well have been pouring from her nose. "I don't see the problem actually. You get your happy little family don't you?" She questioned, staring at me like I was the single most stupid person in the world. I wanted to slap that look right off her shrek coloured face but used every fibre of my being not to. "She's sick!" I cried. My facade instantly melted away showing how distraught I really was and her face fell. She must know that if my magic couldn't heal her that it was serious. "Please Zelena I don't have anyone else to turn to. You're her sister and I know you love her. Come with me." I stretched my hand out and she examined it for a while. She finally grasped it and smiled. "Okay." She turned her back to me and pulled me further into the room. "Robin come here!" A little girl no more than a year old came stumbling into the room. Her red curly hair reached her waist, a green bow keeping it from falling in her face. She wore a matching green dress and black ballet flats. She resembled Zelena but her face was similar to her fathers. She hid behind her Mother and peered at me. "Let's go." Zelena uttered. She made a wand appear in her hand and opened a portal on the floor. "There's no need to be scared." She reassured Robin. We all held hands and jumped into it, returning to the Enchanted Forest.

The Evil Queens True Love (Regina Mills X Reader Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now