Chapter One

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"Shit, shit, shit..." I mumble under my breath
as I run through the halls of my home for the
next year.

Looking at my timetable, I notice that in my
haste, I have already ran passed my first
classroom of the day.

Swearing, I turn on my heel and march
towards the history classroom with the
growing need to succeed in this new

With my head held high, I blow a strand of my
straightened, brown hair out of my face and
push into the classroom.

"After the fire in the Reichtag-" I cut my
apparent history teacher off with my dramatic

"Sorry to disturb, but I think that this is my
history class?" I say with a new sense of

As he continues to stare wide eyed at me, I
look down at my timetable with a growing
sense of unease.

"Are you Olivia?" He asks me almost as if he
was annoyed by my mere presence.

"Yes?" I look down at my uniform, making sure
that my tie wasn't crooked.

Without saying a word, he turns towards his
computer, typing something that I am unable
to read.

Using his distraction to my advantage, I take
this time to glance around the room and realise
that almost every single boy in the classroom
was gaping at me.

After my family passed, my only relative was
some weird uncle on my dads side that I have
never met, who just so happens to be the
principal of some snobby, prestigious all boys school.

Which I now have to live in for the next year.

Suddenly I notice the eyes of four boys on me,
four very gorgeous boys by the way.

Reluctantly I turn my attention back to the
teacher, realising that he called my name.

"Yeah?" I answer him, feeling four sets of eyes
burn into me.

"You seem to have a very interesting accent,
care to share with the class where you are
from?" He asks me snobbly.

"Um, Michigan" I grumble out, not bothering to hide my distaste for the teacher.

"Well, Ms Michigan, care to explain why you're late to class? It is unacceptable at your age." I watch as his lips curl upwards and he taps his finger in his arm.

"Considering it's my first time being here, do you really think I can memorise the entire layout by first period?" I raise my brow, crossing my arms to mimic his stance. "I'm flattered you think so highly of me Mr-" I look down at my timetable, scanning for his name. "Manning."

He opens his mouth as if to speak and then closes it again, taking the appearance of a suffocating fish. Unfolding his arms, he pretends to look at his watch as he turns his back to me.

"Well then, Olivia Ashgrove, I believe that you
should take a seat" he tells me with a slightly
red face.

Looking around the room for a spare seat, I
realise that the only available one happens to
be right beside those gorgeous guys at the back
of the room.

Great, I think as I start to make my way
towards the seat.

This year should be interesting.

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