Trust (Crawford)

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"Crawford has been coming home late every night for the past week and he never actually explained why. To be honest I'm quite worried." You say to your best friend over the phone.
Lately Crawford has been out more than usual and it bothers you. He never tells you where he's going and he always just walks out. Its gotten to the point where you're physically chewing your fingernails away.

"Well don't you trust him?" Your friend says through the phone.

"Of course, but I just want to know what he's doing and where he's going. I mean that would be nice to know. Right?" You explain while walking from the kitchen and plopping down on the couch with tea in your hands.

"Yea I see where you're coming from."

Soon enough you heard the front door open and roll your eyes.

"Speaking of the monster. He's finally home." You said as he strolled into the room and sat on the couch beside you. Your friend laughed as you took a big slurp of your tea.

"Well let me go. It's getting late and I should get some sleep. See you tomorrow."

Your friend said her goodbyes as she hung up. Crawford, once he realized you were off the phone scooted closer to you. You finished up your tea as he placed an arm around your shoulder. Brushing him off you got up and walked into the kitchen. You heard his footsteps behind you. Rolling your eyes as you placed the tea mug into the sink.

"Hey babe." He said. Him saying that made you pissed. How dare he come in here at almost one in the morning like nothing happened.

"What Crawford?" You said making sure he noticed that you were angry. He threw his hands up in surrender.

"I was just saying hey. What's got you so upset?" He questioned as he sat on the counter. You let out a frustrated groan.

"Crawford are you stupid? You take a wild guess why I'm upset." You said showing your attitude.

"I don't know. Why would I know?" He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you serious? You should know because you have me acting like this. Oh My God. Crawford I'm losing my mind worrying about where you are days. You never tell me anything anymore. You never call or you never answer my calls. Like seriously." You said while crossing your arms and rolling your eyes.
He rolled his eyes and let out an annoyed sigh.

"Maybe because I don't have to tell you everything. You're so clingy. Like bro can't I just have a break. Maybe I want to hang out with my friends sometimes. You don't have to know everything I do."
You were shocked. He never have said anything like that to you before. Your jaw dropped slightly and your eyes widen.

"Excuse me. I don't think you have room to be talking to me like that."

"You do not understand the meaning of the word space. I do not want to be around you twenty-four seven. You're like glued to me and it needs to stop. And on top of that you act like a total bitch." He said as he hopped off the counter. You were speechless. Never in the one year and two months that you two have been dating has he ever said that to you.

"Well how about this, I'll just take my bitchy and clingy self somewhere else because apparently I'm not wanted here." You said as tears sprung to your eyes. You quickly run upstairs to pack a travel bag and grab your jacket. Your shoes were downstairs by the door. As you finish packing the travel bag, the tears in your eyes already started falling. You walked downstairs wiping your face clean from tears and marching straight to the front door.

"Baby?" You heard Crawford whispered as you slipped on your toms. You turned to look at him. He had fresh tears in his eyes.

"Baby I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I'll tell you everything you want to know just don't leave me. Please don't leave me." He whispered as he walked over to you grabbing your hands.


"Yes everything. Just don't leave me. I don't know what came over me to be that rude, but I'm sorry. I'm really, really, really sorry." He said while peppering your face with kisses. You crack a smile before pushing him off.

"Well loser, you have some explaining to do."


A/N: update 😊

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