Hickey's (Crawford)

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I promise this one isn't a smut either

It might seem smutty but it's not :)


Busting through the front door of your shared apartment Crawford, your boyfriend, could not keep his hands off of you.
Every since you've left the restaurant he seems to be more interested in your thighs than anything. Riding home from the restaurant, Crawford could not keep both hands on the wheel. One hand would be holding the stirring wheel while the other one ran up and down your thigh.

"Crawford what is wrong with you?" You ask while walking up the stairs and into your room. You could hear him still behind you as you took off your shoes and tossed them into your closet.

"Nothing baby. Why would you think there's something wrong?" He asked while wrapping his arms around you waist and pulling your hips to his semi-hard area. You instantly turned around to face him while he eyed you up and down.

"Well for one you're more touchy feely than you usually are."

"That's because you look smoking hot in that dress and I just can't help myself. You're lucky that I don't rip that dress off of you right now and just pound into you." He said while dropping his hands from your waist down to your ass and giving it a hard squeeze. You gasp as he had a smirk planted on his face.

"You know what there is a problem." He said while moving his hands back to your waist and tighten his grip on it.

"And what might the problem be Crawf?"

"I'm horny as shit and I want you very very badly." He said while lifting you up and tossing you down on the bed.

"C-Crawford we can't-

Before you could finish what you were about to say he climbed on top of you and connected your lips instantly. He hungrily kissed your lips as his hands continued to roam your body making you flinch at his cold fingertips. As you kissed back you felt him grind on you making you moan into the heated kiss you two were sharing. Too soon he pulled away from the kiss and looked at you. He shook his head and let out a dark chuckle.

"What?" You asked.

"I just don't know how I ended up with someone as beautiful and sexy as you babe." He answered with a smirk then connecting his lips to your neck leaving slow and steady kisses against it. You arched your back and let out a soft moan as his warm lips teased your sensitive skin. About a minute or so Crawford stopped kissing your neck and went up to below your jaw, which made you give him more access to your neck. Instantly it seems that he found your sweet spot and sucked on it. You let out a loud moan as your hands raked through his hair, making him smirk against your skin. He continued to suck on the same spot as his hand crawled up the bottom of your dress.

"Crawford." You say as you heard someone close a car door.

"I know baby. You need me just as much as I need you." He mumbled against your skin as he stop making that love bite and started kissing back up your neck. You rolled your eyes as he came face-to-face with you again and tried to kiss you again, but you heard a knock at the door. He leaned in to kiss you again, but you put a finger to his lips.

"There's someone at the door." You said while pushing Crawford off from on top of you. You pulled down your dress and started to walk towards the door. Before you could Crawford grabbed your wrist pulling you back.

"Crawf stop. Whoever it is could need help."

"Well shit Y/N I need help."

You laugh as you yank your wrist free from Crawford's grip and walked downstairs. Once you made it to the door you looked through the peep hole and saw it was Chris. You smiled as you opened the door.

"Hey Chris. What's up?"

"I was just dropping off Crawford's computer. He forgot it at the house." He said while eyeing your neck. You forgot that you had a hickey until it started throbbing again.

"That's one hell of a hickey you got there."

You blush as you roll your eyes at Chris's statement.

"Is that all Chris?" You asked quite embarrassed. He laughed before nodding and turning to walk back to his car.

"You two horny children have fun!"


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