Sparklers (Chris)

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Since I missed the Fourth of July this is a Fourth of July imagine 💥



You groan and look at the interruption of your sleep. Your boyfriend Chris was standing at the end of your bed with an American hat on his head with an American flag in his hand. You let out a small giggle and sat up.

"You look so crazy."

"I'm crazy for you babe." He stated which made you blush and roll your eyes.

"Now get up loser we have things to do today." He finished before running out of the room, leaving you to get dressed. You decided on something simply to show your holiday spirit. You wore a red romper with blue and white striped toms. Quickly you walked downstairs to meet Chris, who was laying on the couch flipping through channels on the TV.

"So what was so important that you had to get me up?"

He looked up from the TV and over to you with a "are you serious" face.

"Well for one it's your country's birthday." He said while shutting off the tv and walking over to you. You smile and let out a laugh.

"Well yea, but what are we going to do then?" You reply while crossing your arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Well I was thinking that we could go grab some lunch then we could go buy some sparklers."

"Why sparklers?" You question as you both make your way to the door and out of the house.

"Sparklers are amazing that's why."
You roll your eyes as you two go to lunch. He took you to a small cute cafe that was decorated with flags and red, white and blue streamers.

"This place is so cute!" You exclaimed while you both walked hand in hand inside.

"But it's not as cute as you."

You felt another small blush creep onto your face as the waiter led you two to a booth. Instead of sitting across from you he sat beside you. You sent him a confused look before looking at the menu.

"What would you recommend?" You ask him as you glance over at him.

"Anything really. This place is great."


After lunch you and him went shopping for some sparklers which led to arguments about what kind to get and what kind you thought was the best against his.

"I'm glad we came out of there alive. There were so many people in there." Chris said which made a small giggle escape your lips. You two were walking back to his car hand in hand pointing out people's different 4th of July outfits.
Once you both made it to his car you drove home and went straight inside. You placed the sparklers down on the couch as Chris plopped down beside the bags.

"Let's take a nap. Shopping has made me tired." Chris said while laying down on the couch and opening his arms waiting for you. You smile and kick off your shoes and went to lay in his arms.

"I like this better than going out. Chris stated while kissing the top of your head.


I'm so sorry this is probably shit 😂

And comment bc I like to know what you guys think of these pleaseeee

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