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Niall's POV

"Drive safe and no texting and driving Niall!" Liam yelled to me while I was leaving his house.

"I know, I know!" I yell back, even tho I'm probably gonna call Zayn and ask if he wanna come over tomorrow. "Love you Li!"

"Love you too Irish Princess" I roll my eyes at the nickname and get in my car. Once I get in the car I look back at where Liam was standing to see him still there, looking at me. Sigh. I put my seat belt and start the car.

Once I pull off far enough from Liam's house, I pull out my phone but still paying attention to the road. "Siri call Bradford Bad Boi" Calling Bradford Bad Boi. It rings about 2 times before he picks up.

"Hey Nialler. " I hear him say. "Hey Z, wanna come over tomorrow?"

"Yeah ofc. What time?"

"Anytime after 11:00."

"Why after 11?"

"Do you wanna cook for me?"


"Then wait till after 11. "

"Ok, ok"


"I got to go do something really important"

"Is that sleeping?"

"Yep! Bye"

He hung up. Great, now I'm bored. And hungry. Well I'm almost home. I check the time on my phone. 9:13pm. Yeah, Nandos is definitely closed.

I wanna take a short cut home. I take a left then then right. Now all I see is an abandoned building. I hear a loud scream. I quickly stop the car and jump out of it, looking around. I start walking around until I heard a cry. I look to my left and I see what I heard.

It was a boy that had long curls. He had a sweater on and black jeans. He had his head in his knees. Meaning that I couldn't see his features. "Hello?" I say loud enough for him to hear me.

He freezes and slowly looks up. I look at his features. He has green eyes. Pink lips. Pale skin, and he looks no older then 18.

"Are you ok?" I asked softly. He just looks at me and continues to cry. I walk closer to him. I finally reach him. He looks so skinny. "L-Louis" He sobs out. Who is Louis? "Hey um, do you wanna come with me?" He just looks at me. "I'll take good care of you, I promise." I hesitated and looled around, then he nodded. I slowly pick him up. He's so light. I carry him to my car and put him in the backseat. I look at him and see he's asleep. He looked so cute.

Little did I know, my life was about to change. A lot.


This is my new story. This is a short prologue of it.

Hope you enjoyed.

443 words


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 18, 2022 ⏰

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