Chapter Twenty-One

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Aurelia hadn't been completely honest when she said there was a plan. What she had was the beginnings of a plan and a list of people who might actually help her do something, but the longer she thought about it, the more suicidal it seemed.

"Earth?" asked Nicholas. "Really?"

Aurelia sighed. "Look, I can't think of anywhere else where we'll be safer."

"What about going out? We've already been there, and I have contacts."

She'd thought about that. As good an idea as it had seemed at first, the truth was she had no idea how long and hard Jonathon would look for Nicholas—or for her for that matter. Earth was as far from his reach as she could get.

"But surely the risks of actually getting to Earth are greater than the risks of being found if we just left the dome at Lunar?" said Nicholas, reasonably.

He was sitting cross-legged on the floor, idly toying with his empty coffee cup. Having slept for a solid twelve hours, he was looking a lot more like his normal self, and Aurelia smiled at the lock of hair hanging messily over his forehead.

"Possibly," she agreed. "On the other hand, the resistance apparently have plenty of contacts out as well, so the chances of us being found if they decide to look for us are pretty high."

It was Nicholas's turn to sigh. "So how do you plan on getting to Earth, then?"

"I'm not sure," Aurelia said carefully. "But I think I might know someone who can help. Someone not resistance. In fact, probably the people anyone would think of asking if they were looking for us."

Nicholas eyed her suspiciously. "Who?"

"Jonathon's sister," she replied.


It had taken a while to convince Nicholas that Tara was a safe bet. Eventually, Aurelia had to tell him everything, including about her fight with Jonathon. His eyes brightened a little at the information, but he had been appropriately sympathetic. By the time he'd agreed to meet the youngest Hansen, and Aurelia contacted Tara to arrange for her to come to their safe house, it was early evening.

"Wow," said Tara, looking around the tiny room. "Nice place you guys got here."

It had been agreed that Tara should know as little as possible about their true situation due to Nicholas's caution and partly because Aurelia didn't want to tell the girl about knowing her brother. As far as Tara knew, 'Nick and Aur' were a mixed clone/human couple, an idea that Aurelia got from Zak.

"Earth?" shrieked the purple-haired girl when she heard. "What are you? Crazy?"

"We're hoping you can help," said Aurelia, ignoring the question. "Or maybe you know someone who can."

Tara shook her head. "No dice. I know plenty of elite kids, a few dealers, but it's not like I spend my time hanging around with Workers who fly shuttles."

She sat on the edge of the narrow bed and bounced twice, testing its firmness. She was still looking curiously around the room.

"I told you she wouldn't help," Nicholas said to Aurelia.

"Hey, I didn't say I wouldn't—I said I couldn't." Tara pouted, paying attention now.

Inwardly, Aurelia grinned; she knew Nicholas had been provoking the girl.

"Let me think," Tara went on. She closed her eyes, and Aurelia winked at Nicholas.

"Why don't you just take the shuttle?" Tara asked after a few moments.

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