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We hurried to get into our race karts and Roxanne counted down from three. As soon as she arrived at one we both smashed our feet on the gas pedal. Round 1/3 started. 


Y/N's POV 

It was round 3/3. I was driving behind Roxanne, trying my best to somehow overtake her. Roxanne and me were nearing the finish line. But there was one last sharp turn. I tried to use that turn to my advantage. I smashed my foot on the gas pedal as hard as I could. When we reached the turn I quickly switched the pedals and pushed down the brakes. I turned the steering wheel to the left and anaged to drift through the turn and pass her just in front of the finish line. I passed the finish line before her. 

'I won!' I brought my race kart to a stop and jumped out. I was so happy. I looked at her and saw her walking over to me while clapping. "Wow..." She smirked. "You did it. You won against me." She approached me slowly, which got me a little nervous. "U-Uhm..." I stuttered. 'Why do I keep stuttering?' 
Roxanne walked closer to me, which made me back up, until my back hit a wall and I came to a stop. I looked up and saw how Roxanne was towering over me, with a hand next to my head, caging me in. I saw how Roxanne was now smirking at me and her eyes looked me up and down. It seemed like she was enjoying the view she had of me. To be honest, I enjoyed this situation too. But on the other hand, I was a little intimidated by her height. 

I looked back up and we locked eyes. I gulped. 'She looks really pretty right now... Wait- What- Nonono. She's an animatronic.'
Roxanne chuckled and backed up. "Well then, darling. I have to go. We will perform in a few minutes and I still need to check on my key-tar." She said, while walking around and shutting things off. I stood still and watched her. When she finished shutting everything off she looked back at me. "I hope I'll see you there, darling." She winked at me and left. I was blushing again. 

'What the hell just happened...?'


Ten minutes later... -In the Atrium-


🐺Roxanne's POV 🐺

I arrived backstage with my key-tar in hand to see that Freddy, Chica and Monty were looking at me suspiciously. I stopped in my tracks and looked at them, confused. "What's up, guys? Did something happen?" I asked, while putting the strap of my key-tar around my head, letting it hang down my shoulder. 

"Would you mind telling us why you were talking to a random person-" Freddy started, being interrupted by Monty. "- and flirting with them?" My eyes widened. 'They saw me? Shit...' 

I thought about what I should respond with. I settled on telling them half of the truth. 
"I just thought that they looked lonely and wanted to give them company. We went to my racetrack and hung out a bit." I answered Freddy's question. I looked at Monty. "And also, I didn't flirt with them." I looked at him annoyed and rolled my eyes.

"Oh, really? Because I remember you hyping them up to make them race you. And that's definately something you wouldn't do to anyone." Monty smirked. I felt how my body heated up. 
"You were spying on us?" I asked, in a high pitched tone, which embarrased me. 
Monty laughed. "Why so nervous? Are you hiding something from us?" He wiggled his eyebrows. I groaned out of frustration. 

I wanted to snap at Monty, but I was interrupted by a human security guard. "Guys, performance starts soon. Get on the lifting stage. Now." He hurried us over to the lifting stage and we all got ready. As soon as we arrived at the lifting stage, it started rising up. I held my key-tar in a firm grip. 'I hope they're watching.' 

I looked up out of excitement and sighed. 'You got this Roxy. And even if they're not there, you will still impress everyone in the Atrium. Don't forget. You. Are. The best.'

We arrived on the main stage and hurried to get on our positions. Freddy greeted the children and their parents and gave us our sign to start. A few minutes in to the performance, it was my time to shine. My turn with a solo. My floating stage rose up and I gave it my best, not looking at the crowd until I was finished.

While my floating stage descended slowly I looked into the crowd, in search of Y/N. It would be hard to spot them with this many people in the crowd, but eventually I saw them, very far to the left. They were smiling at me. We both held eye contact with big smiles until I arrived down on the main stage, ready and motivated by Y/N's smile, to Rock 'n Roll!


After the performance... -In Roxanne's Room-


'Y/N was there! They watched me! They were only watching ME. Oh my god... I think I might heat up again. Eek, this was so exciting, having their eyes only on me. I can't wait to meet them again.' I needed to giggle. My stomach felt wierd, but that feeling also felt nice. 'Is this how having butterflies in your stomach feels like?' 

I was standing in front of my mirror admiring the feeling that build up in my body. I barely noticed that someone came in. 

"Well, hello there, rockstar~" I heard Y/N's voice. I quickly turned around and a big smile appeared on their face, when we faced each other. 

(I'm sorry. This chapter is a little shorter than I expected.)

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