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"Well, hello there, rockstar~" I heard Y/N's voice. I quickly turned around and a big smile appeared on their face, when we faced each other. 



When Roxanne turned around I saw her smiling. Her eyes gave off a hint of joy. 
"Y/N!" Roxanne exclaimed. She seemed very excited as she hurried over to me and embraced me in a hug. I hugged her back and my smile did not fade. Actually, it only grew. Roxanne broke the hug, but kept her hands on my shoulders. 

"Did you see me? Did you see how beautiful I was? Oh, what am I asking. Of course you saw me. What did you think? Did you like our- my performance?" Roxanne was seemingly jumping up and down from excitement, her hands still on my shoulders. 
I could feel, that her hands became warm. Her being an animatronic, this must be bad. So I tried to calm her down, by calling her name and interrupting her mid-scentence. 

"Was my solo go-"  

"Roxanne!" I called a little louder than expected. But she stopped talking, so it worked. 
I sighed. "Roxanne," I pointed on her hands with both of my index fingers. "You're overheating." 
Her eyes widened. She quickly pulled her hands away from my shoulders and took two steps back. She held up her hands and looked at her palms. 

I was a little confused. What was she doing? I watched her standing up straight and letting her head hang low. Was she shut down? 
I stood in front of her and waited. 

It has been 10 minutes. 10 minutes since Roxanne shut down. I was starting to worry, when I heard her fans turning on again. I slowly walked up to her. Roxanne's eyes started to light up and open very slowly. She tilted her head up and looked around her room. When she spotted me she blinked a few times and a smile spread across her muzzle. "Y/N! Hi." She said excitedly. 

I sighed out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Hi Roxanne. How are you?" I asked her while chuckling. She smiled at me. 
"Oh, I feel better now. I was overheating for some reason. So I had to shut off for a bit to cool down. It's a programmed thing, y'know what I mean." She answered in a casual voice.  

"Oh, yeah I get it." I answered quickly.

"Okay, good. Good." Roxanne seemed really excited.
"But, to answer all your questions from earlier, I loved your performance. You looked really good up there." I assured her with a big smile.

Roxanne's face lit up. "Really!?" She exclaimed. "It feels so great when you say it, Y/N." I giggled at her comment. "Oh! I have an idea. How about you stay after hours? I could introduce you to the others and we could have a lot of fun together on my raceway! How does that sound?"

'After hours?... 'm not so sure...'

"Are you sure?" I asked her, unsure if I should actually take her offer. "I mean, wouldn't I be breaking rules like that?"

"No, don't worry. I'll just tell the security guards that you're with me and that I'm allowing you with me. Don't have to worry about that." Roxanne reassured me in a confident tone, putting her hands on her hips.



This was a really short chapter. I'm really sorry. I kinda have a writer's block rn and I'm not entirely sure how to continue the story.
Again I'll try to update as soon as I can. Bye <3

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