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"Ow Shit!" I woke up abruptly to my head hitting something.  I kept my eyes closed as i sat up and rubbed my head. Luckily, it didn't feel bumped or cut. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. As my eyes adjusted, I saw I was in some kind of metal cage. I panicked and stood up. The cage was moving. I looked around for a button or lever, anything that might stop the cage. All I found were supplies. "Oh my god, how the fuck did I get here?" I can't seem to Remember anything at all, not even my name. I start banging on the top of the metal carrier, yelling in hopes someone can hear. Shortly after my yells started the cage came to a halt. My flight or fight kicked in and I started looking through all the supplies. A long, sharp butcher knife was placed in one of the boxes, so I grabbed it and slid it my pants pocket. 

Then I heard rattles coming from above me, someone was about to open the cage. A blinding beam of light opens up and I shield my eyes with my arm. Before the doors stopped opening, I heard gasps. I let my eyes get used to this newfound light and look up to see who was gasping. "You have got to be shitting me." Around 40 different boys were looking at me from above. They were all saying different forms of "It's a girl." Have they never seen a girl before?  Why is it such a big deal?

A think accented boy spoke louder than everyone, "Oh bloody hell, someone go get Alby, now. Everyone else back away unless you're supposed to help." He seemed kind, or his voice did at least. Most of the boys slowly left except the sweet-sounding boy and five others. I waited for a moment for them to say something, but they just stared at me. That did NOT help with my shaking feeling. 

a moment later another boy joined us. He was an average height and looked slightly older than the other boys. He spoke to the other boys then one of them jumped in the cage as the others lowered a rope in. I stepped back from the boy; I didn't trust any man with eyebrows arched to this extant. He reached his hand out to me and I shook my head. 

"Would you rather stay here in the box, or do you want to get out?" I sighed and grabbed his hand. He helped me get onto the rope and pushed me up with it. Once out of what the boy called, "the box," I looked around. We were surrounded by four huge stone walls, each one with a large opening in the middle. All around this big space were boys staring, I felt uneasy, I needed to leave. Once the boys who were around me looked away, I ran towards the closest opening. I kept pumping my legs as many people started yelling, "She's running," or "We've got a runner." 

I was almost at the opening; I was going to make it. That was until a huge figure came crashing into me from the left. He tackled me down to the ground and pinned my arms down, he was strong. "Get off of me you big boulder!" We tussled while other boys surrounded us. Eventually he let off, for a split second and I took this as an opportunity. I flipped us over and drew the knife from my pocket. Before he could blink, I was straddling him with the knife to his throat, both of our chest rising and falling fast. Everyone around us was suddenly silent. "Move and I will slit your throat." The boy didn't respond. I looked up and saw the sweet dude and the dude who I assumed was Alby. They had their hands up surrendering. "I want some answers. If I get no answers, then you guys will have no more pretty boy." I returned my gaze to the boy under me, his eyes widened. 

"Okay, okay. No need to hold the knife to Gally, pull the knife away then we can talk." The slightly older boy said. 

"Alby, is it?" The older boy nods. "Well, Alby, I just woke up in a cage. Then I had 40 different boys staring at me, absolutely flabbergasted by my presence. We are surrounded by huge walls. I don't know how I got in that cage, and I can't even remember my fucking name. So, knife stays on Greg's neck till I get an answer."

The boy under me spoke, "It's Gally actually." He was clearly offended. I set the knife closer into his neck, as a warning. The accented boy spoke next. "I understand how unusual that must all feel, I was in that exact situation before too, we all have been. I'm Newt, and you're in the glade. None of us have any clue how or why we are here. Now that you have a few answers, can you get off Gally?" 

It was hard not to trust him. The fact he and everyone else experienced this makes me feel a little bit more at ease. I pull the knife off Gally's throat and stand up. "You got lucky your friend's voice is very trusting or else you'd be a dead man." I said to him as I walked towards Newt, slipping the blade into my pocket again. 

The boy stood up with a huff.  "She's shucking crazy." 

"Watch yourself pretty boy, I still have the blade." I glanced at him over my shoulder, he looked upset. I tried not to laugh. I continued following this Newt guy as the rest of the boys split apart. We walked into a building in the middle of the open field. Inside there were rows of seats and a stage in the front. 

Newt walked to the front and stood beside Alby. "Have a seat Greenie."

『••✐••』AN: 1003 words omggg!! I have a face claim I would like to use, buuuut would yall rather me include a picture or just describe??

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