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The bonfire was going great. I found Newt and he gave me something Gally had made. I made Newt promise that the special drink wasn't poisoned. We danced to this one song that goes something like, "These hoes is drunk, wanna come and smoke this blunt. Then let me take 'em home and do anything I want. (The spins by Mac Miller)" I kind of stuck with Minho, Newt, and Chuck all night. I did meet another boy though; his name was Ben. He was quite attractive and had an amazing personality. After chatting for five minutes, it had felt like I've known him for years.

I kept swaying my hips to the music, feeling a little tipsy. Whatever Gally's drink is, I love it. A crowd of boys start cheering behind me. I turn and see them all huddled in a circle together. I grabbed Minho's hand and asked, "What's going on over there?" Minho looked up towards the circle and smirked.

His eyes came back to mine. "It's Gally's game, let's go watch." Before I could protest, we were already on the way to the circle. We shoved past a few guys and make our way to the front. We got to the front, and I saw a sand area lined with rocks. Inside the area was Gally and some other unnamed kid. They looked like they were fighting. Gally eventually shoved the kid into the crowd, and everyone cheered. Gally threw his hands up in victory and smiled.

He walked around the circle once and shouted, "Who's next in the ring? Who thinks they can beat me?" None of the boys stepped forward. So, I did what had to be done.

I shook Minho's hand from mine and walked into the circle. Gally's head turned as I entered the circle, an evil hot smile spread a crossed his face. I stood in the middle of the sand, and he circled around me. His eyes gilded up and down my body as the boys were still yelling. "So, what's the point of the game Gally?"

He chuckled, "I try and push you out of the ring, you try to last more than three seconds." The boys "ooo"-ed.

"You're so confident, did you forget our first encounter?" The crowd goes crazy. At this point, I begin to tune them out at this point. I needed to focus if I wanted to beat him.

He avoided my comment completely. "Are you really going to try this while you're in that dress?"

I smiled. I have on my short's underneath, but he didn't have to know that. "Gally, are you suggesting that I take it off?" I glide my hands up from the side of my thighs up the top of my stomach, lifting my dress up a little.

His eyes quickly darted down to the bottom of my dress and then away to the crowd. If I wasn't staring at his eyes, I would have missed it. "Oh, my bad. I just didn't want you at a disadvantage, ya know. I would rather see you lose without troubles." He looked so proud of his own comment.

"Yeah, yeah. Enough trash talks. Show me what you got pretty boy." And with that he ran at me. I stepped to the side as he made his way towards my waist. I turned around and he's already going at me again. I grab his arms and push back on him. I was doing good, not falling, but then my foot slipped in the sand. I landed on my back with him on top of me. One of his arms landed beside my head, so he could catch himself, and the other landed on the side of my waist. The whole fall left Gally unrattled and he was holding tight. His shirt had ridden up on his torso a little.

I couldn't let him beat me after how much trash I talked. So, I did the only thing I could think of in the moment. I picked up my hand and placed it on his stomach. I trailed it down to the waist band of his pants. I let my fingers linger around the waist before pulling my hand down again. My fingertips skimmed over the now bulge, and then landed on his thigh. With my biggest "fuck me" eyes, I looked at him. In my sexiest whisper I said, "I love the way you look over top of me Gally. Kind of wish this was in private though." I glide my hand over his dick one more time before prepping for my next move.

He picked up his hand from my waist and covered himself. At this moment I rolled out from under him and shoved him to the side. He fell over and right out of the circle. I got up off the sand and dusted myself off. I smiled in victory. 

Gally got off the ground, I could see steam practically bursting out of his ears. He made his way to me and grabbed my face. He stared into my eyes and stated, "You cheated. You Slinthead!" He dropped my face and crossed his arms over his chest. He stood with his hips forward and shoulders back.

The victory grin was still decorating my face. "I did not cheat, I just found your weak spot," I bring my eyes down to his crotch then back up to him again, "and used it to my advantage. Try not to get worked up so easily next time, people will start think you always get hard for 'crazy chicks.'" I put air quotes around the crazy chick part. 

Gally scoffed and sat straight up. He leaned closer to my face; I could feel his breath on my neck. "All I'm saying, is you better watch yourself. You don't want to mess with me, I'll make you regret it." He leaned back again.

"Threat or promise?" He rolled his eyes and walked away from me. I didn't want to admit, but I wish he would have replied with promise. I walked back to Minho and Newt and they congratulated me. 

"Not many people beat him you know, Gally I mean." Newt said. 

Minho added, "Yeah how'd you do it? Was it your lady charm?" 

I shook my head and smiled, "A magician never reveals her secrets." 

『••✐••』An: 1056 words, woooooo!!!! I was so excited for this chapter!! I hope you're having a good day today, remember to eat. I love you <3

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