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"Oh, for real?" I'm utterly shocked to say the least. Newt and Alby had just explained everything they knew to me. This is the glade. Each month the box sends up a new person, or a "Greenie," then each week it sends up supplies. They don't know who put us here, but we do know they supply us with water, electricity, and anything needed for survival. I am the first girl to ever come up, which was why everyone went wild. Outside those huge stone walls is a maze, one we cannot go into. Everyone lives by a certain set of rules, and everyone has a job they complete. That was just the basic sum up.

"For real." Alby agreed. He began to walk out without another word. I watched him leave, confused. My eyes snaked between Newt and the door while I slightly pointed at the exit, asking for permission to leave.

He sighed, pulling his lips into a thin line and shook his head. "You cannot leave till I get Chuck; he has to give you the tour and I cannot let you on your own since you put a knife to Gally's throat." I gasped, acting shocked like that wasn't me. The big body deserved it anyways, HE tackled ME. "Sorry Greenie, it's the rules. Let me go find him, you stay here."

"Yeah, yeah." I sat there bored as Newt left. I got up from my seat and started walking around. The building's roof was slightly unlevel, but not enough that its noticeable, you could only see it if you're looking. My body made its way around the room twice when I heard the door open.

My head snapped towards the door. A small younger guy, maybe 12 or 13, walked in. I immediately burst into laughter. I clenched my stomach and sat on the floor while still laughing. After a few awkward moments my laughter turned to giggles. I looked up at the kid and asked, "You're Chuck?"

He shook his head, confused. "I am indeed, why?"

"Oh, thank god. I thought Chuck was going to be this like 9-foot dude who could eat four different people and still be hungry. I am quite relieved to see that you are Chuck." I was still giggling a little. Chuck was silent for a moment, then he burst into laughter too. We sat there laughing for a solid 3 minutes.

After our little giggle-fest Chuck spoke, "Well, that was one of the funniest things I've ever heard here." He took a pause to catch his breath then went to the door. "Okay, now we need to get to the tour, we need it done before dinner." We both headed out the door and began my tour.

Chuck finished showing me around the Glade. He introduced me to a few jobs; Slicer, Runner, Builder, Cooks, Track-hoes, Med-jacks, Sloppers, and Baggers. Most of them sounded interesting, but I mainly wanted med-jack or a builder. He also gave me the names of a few keepers; Minho, Winston, Frypan, Zart, Clint, and stupid Gally. I asked Chuck who was the keeper for each job, but he said I'll find out when I'm trying out jobs. We were walking to find Alby and let him know we finished the tour when a bell rang. The bell had startled me, and Chuck laughed.

"That's the dinner bell, it means its food time!"

"Oh, hell yeah! I am starving." Chuck walked me over to the kitchen I saw earlier. Most of the boys were there already.

We walked over to another boy, whom I assumed was the keeper of the cooks, and he greeted us. "Hey, you must be the new greenie, I'm Siggy but everyone calls my Frypan. Do you remember your name yet?" He had such a warm smile; I could tell he was kind.

I shook my head and exhaled, "Nope, not yet, but it's lovely to meet you Mr. Sig." We shook hands and he handed me a plate. Chuck walked me over to a table for dinner. There, I saw Newt and some Asian kid who I haven't met yet. Chuck asked Newt if I could join them, he agreed. As I sat down the kid who I haven't met looked at me. I looked up to meet his eyes and waved. He smiled and nodded his head up once. "What's your name?"

The kid grinned and stuck out his hand, "I'm Minho, Keeper of the runners. You must be our lovely new greenie; it is a pleasure to meet you." The kid and I shook hands.

"Right back at you Minho."

"So, greenie," Newt began, "You excited for the bonfire?" Bonfire? I pulled my eyebrows together and glanced at chuck. He smacked himself on the forehead. Newt sighed, "Well, I'm guessing it slipped Chucks mind, so I'll just tell you. The first night with each new Glader is always the hardest, so to try and ease it a little, we throw a big bonfire. There's music, drinks, dancing, and Gally has a game. We all hang out until we get tired and start to disperse. We only get one once a month, so we each have a special outfit to wear. You probably have a bonfire outfit in your clothes case somewhere, you should look after you finish eating."

This whole bonfire thing sounds exciting, I hope I do have an outfit somewhere, and I hope it's hot. After we finished eating Newt sent me to the hammocks to look in my box. He said he or Chuck would come get me when it was time.

In the place called homestead, I went to the hammock Chuck had showed me, and sure enough there was a box labelled, 'girl' on it. I opened the box and separated the clothes out. I had five work shirts, five work shorts, one sweater, one pair of sweatpants, and at the bottom one sparkly, shiny dress. Oh my god the color. The dress was the most perfect shade of blue. There was a little opening right under the breast and the straps were off the shoulders. It was genuinely stunning, but it felt too dressy for a bonfire, I was still going to wear it, obviously. I walked out to the bathrooms to get changed, luckily no one was in there. I changed quickly and looked at my hair in the mirror. This brunette shade was pretty, especially with these bangs. I pulled hair behind my ears and shoulders. I stared for just a moment more, then a knock pulled be back to reality. I grabbed my other clothes and opened the door. 

Chuck was standing at the door. "Wow! I love your dress you look very pretty!" 

I smiled at chuck, "Thank you Chucker, and you look quite dapper yourself young man." We both laughed a little then made our way towards the main area. I could already hear the music. 

My girlfriend's bitchin' 'cause I always sleep in

She's always screamin' when she's callin' her friend

She's kinda hot though

Yeah, she's kinda hot though

(Just an itty bitty, little bit hot)

My shrink is telling me I got crazy dreams

She's also saying I got low self esteem

She's kinda hot though

Yeah, she's kinda hot though

(Just a little bit, a little bit hot)

As Chuck and I approached I saw that almost everyone was here. I looked over and saw Minho and his friends, whom I haven't met yet, hanging out. I turned the other way to find Newt when Minho started sprinting over. "Yeaahh she's kinda hot though!! Look at this shank." He grabbed my hand and raised it over our heads, the whole Glade erupted into hollers and cheers. I laughed and pulled my hand out of his. He leaned into my ear, "But you really do look amazing." He pulled away and looked into my eyes. He smirked and put his tongue against his back teeth.

What a flirt. "Why thank you sir. Now, where can a lady get some drinks around here?" I was really thirsty all today; I never took enough time to drink. 

"You'll have to find Newt or Gally for a drink."

I put on a sarcastic smile, "Hmmm tough decision, where's Newt at?"

『••✐••』An: Word count of 1383!!! I am absolutely excited for the next chapter, i have had a scene in mind since before I even started this book. Let me know if there's any suggestions!!! Have a great day lovely! <3

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