Cake decorationg

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|Dans POV|

I looked round the doorway of Sophie's (their child) bedroom, she was playing with her doll house she got for her birthday 3 months ago and she loved it dearly. I took a quick picture of her looking so cute, before wondering in. I sat down next to her on the floor and stroked her little head and her beautiful shoulder length brown hair. She looked up at me and came and sat on my lap. "You know it's daddy's birthday tomorrow?" I said wrapping my arms around her, "yeah I made him a card and bracelet" she said looking rather pleased with herself making me laugh. "yeah you did they were very good, do you want to help me decorate a cake for daddy?" I said already knowing what her reaction would be. "Yeah yeah yeah" she said happily wrapping hers arms round my neck. Smiled and picked her up and took her to the kitchen where the was ready to be decorated with the many decorations tools I had laid out, mainly left over from our recent baking video.

I had managed to persuade phil to go and see Chris and pj so we had enough time to decorate the cake. I put Sophie down by the work top and got a stool for her to stand on and let her decorate to her hearts desire. She write 'happy birthday daddy' in icing which is hard to get right but I knew whatever it looked like phil would love it because she is his daughter.

Once we had finished I hid the cake in the kitchen hoping phil wouldn't find before tomorrow and I carried Sophie into the living room to watch adventure time. I sat down and she snuggled into me whilst we watched waiting for phil to come home.

I just realised how many random oneshots I had saved on here and I hadn't even published them so be prepared for a update overload

*goes and forgets to publish them 'cos I'm that clever*

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