First day at school

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|phil's POV|

"Are you ready yet darling?" I call to our daughter who is sitting on the bottom step of the stairs putting on her shoes, "Nearly papa" she replies. "I can't believe it phil, our daughter going to school" dan says looking proudly at our daughter, "I know she's so grown up now" I reply in agreement. We open the door to leave and our daughter takes our hands and looks very excited about having new school shoes and her own hello kitty backpack.

"Daddy I'm nervous" she says to me as we reach the school "don't worry Dee your going to have a great day and make lots of new friends and have loads of fun" I say kissing her forehead and whispering goodbye in her ear before dan hugs her and presses a sloppy kiss to her cheek. She goes and lines up and she goes inside.

At 3:00pm we go to collected our daughter she runs out of school excitedly to see us. She runs into my arms and I pick her up and hold her "daddy, papa look what I made" she says excitedly holding an a3 piece of paper with her hand prints on and her name which she had tried to write. "It's amazing I'm so proud of you"dan says taking hold of it and looking at it "do you want to put it up I'm you room" he offers, she nods excitedly.

The excited chatter carries on between us as we walk home together. Once at home we spend a short while playing with paint with Dee before I start to make dinner for us all and Dan does his live show on Youknow. Dee spends must of Dan's Youknow sitting in his lap silently chewing on the sleeve of her jumper, until Dan brings up the topic of her first day at school age soon pips up and explains what she did at school today, with help from Dan. As Dan finishes his live show I finish making our dinner, fish fingers with chips and vegetables, Dee's favourite food. Dee wolfs down her food whilst we watch 64 zoo land and then cuddle together on the couch.

Dee falls asleep watching TV and I carry her too her room and Dan helps me to change her into to her Pokemon pajamas and tuck her into bed. We both place kisses on her forehead before leaving her to sleep.

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