Boarding School au Pt. I

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Dan arrived before Phil at the large boarding school in the middle of nowhere; he joined the small group of other kids playing games in the main hall. He wasn't interested in playing get to know each other games, he just wanted to see Phil. Dan and Phil had met when Phil joined the school last year and they had quickly become the best of friends. However due to the distance between them they had only managed to meet up once during the summer, though they skyped on a daily basis and never stopped texting each other; but it wasn't the same as being able to see the other person through your own eyes and not through a screen.

Everyone was now just sitting in groups chatting, most people new each other anyway and there were never many new people and even they normally joined in conversation. Dan was sat with Chris, Pj and Louise who were his other best friends, they weren't anyway near as close as he and Phil were but they were more than he could ever wish for. "He's definitely coming back?" Dan asked nervously, "stop worrying Dan, he's normally late to everything and anyway you're the one who is most likely to know what's going with him. You're practically dating him" Louise replied slinging an arm over Dan's shoulder to give comfort and then laughing when Dan went slightly red with embarrassment. "How many times do I have to you we're not..." But Dan was cut short by Phil entering the room.

Dan rushed over to the older boy and pulled him into a rib breaking hug, whilst whispering how much he'd missed him. "I've missed you too" Phil replied before pulling Dan back into the embrace. Phil then greeted the others and sat down with them.

About 15 minuets later everyone was split up and sent to put their belongings to the dorms they had been allocated. Dan, Phil, Pj and Chris as well 4 other people were all in a dorm together. Dan and Phil chose the bunk beds next to each other and both chose to sleep on the bottom so they talk all night and not wake up too many people up.

The rest of the day consisted of house keeping rules, getting to know you games and dinner, a combination Dan knew very well. But after what had seemed just a couple of hours everyone was now changing in to their night clothes and starting to go and brush their teeth. Once everyone one was ready for bed and the dorm supervisor had left them alone to go to sleep chatter broke out from everyone, there was just so much to say to those they hadn't seen since last year, last month, last week or never even met. Dan climbed on to Phil's bed so they could talk, "nice pyjamas" Dan said admiring Dan's Pokemon ones as he settled himself comfortably on Phil's bed. "Thank you" Phil replied. The conversation continued well into the night and the early hours of the morning before Dan fell asleep on Phil's bed, Phil contemplated trying to carry Dan over to his own bed but Dan was quite tall and he didn't want to wake him, he also looked really cute sleeping.

The morning arrived too quickly in many people's opinion, mainly Dan's as he really wasn't a morning person, but the tiredness soon wore away as they didn't have any lessons today, just extra ciricular clubs. Once clothed and ready to go Dan and Phil made their way down stairs and into the dinning room, the wooden walls were elegantly carved into curves and figures, now meaningless but once filled with meaning. Dan and Phil collected their breakfast, toast and cereal, before joining Pj, Louise and Chris, "guess who slept in the same bed last night" Chris asked laughing "oh fuck off he fell asleep when were talking last night" Phil retaliated but also laughing. "Mmhmm" Chris replied which resulted in Dan giving his a shove which caused the cereal and milk on the spoon to splash into Chris's face and the group of friends to erupt in laughter. Although Dan did love his friends the almost constant teasing about him and Phil was not his favourite thing, even if it was something he kind of wished was true.

Once breakfast was over they all had to sign up to the clubs they wanted to after school, Dan chose Star Wars appreciation, ping pong (they had to choose a sport and Dan felt that this was all he could handle) and film making. The rest of the group all chose similar variations of Dan's choices, some going down a more arty route (Pj) and others not so much. Dan and Phil always did the same and this term was no difference.

First off was Star Wars appreciation, Dan always got very passionate when listen to others and even more when expressing his own opinions especially when it came to what he thinks will happen in the next film. Phil, on the other hand likes to observe and listen and only comments occasionally, secretly he loves watching Dan be so consumed and excited in a conversation or debate. Most of today's session was taken up by opinions of the latest trailer that had come out for the next film. Dan was very excited and hyped about it, this meant Dan was using a lot of hand movements and gestures, Phil found this half funny and half really cute. After an hour of exaggerated hand movements and opinions from the younger boy and love eyes Lester making multiple appearances it was time some free time.

Pj, Louise, Chris, Dan and Phil all gathered on the large lawn, that was bathed in sunlight, behind the school. The temperature was just right, not too hot but warm enough to sit out for a while. Most of free time was spent chatting about their summer holidays.

To be continued... (Hopefully, if I have time)

Thank you so but for 5k views, that's insane!!!! And 200 votes, that's even more insane!!

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