7 - Philosopher

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When people suddenly start acting bold around you, it's a sign to show you that they're there and they know how to shut you out with a single move. It can go from starting to talk more around you or saying shit to put salt on your wound. It's like those silly girls who tweet their emotions to show that they're there -suffering- indeed -hurting- but they're - strong. I'm that silly girl. Though I was always anonymous of course.

What the hell is the meaning of life? A philosopher would have a lot to say about that but for me the meaning of life is to feed yourself enough pain to be able to keep it in without throwing it up on other people. If you're able to hold in the pain - without making other people feel it, you've made it. You've found the meaning of life.

I keep playing with the light switch as I lean on the wall, waiting for Miles to come home. Both him and Jack were nowhere to be seen when I came home and I was wishing so bad that Jack had left town. I can't keep it together when Jackson is in Breckenridge. He just has to wait for me in Stillwater. I care about him but he wants to control me and I don't even have control over myself. I can't let him have something over myself that I don't - ever.

The house I grew up in doesn't look the same when it's empty. It's almost like it's soulless and I feel anxious just thinking about the happy memories I've had between these empty walls.

"Ask your brother, he'll tell you everything"

What did Ryan even mean? What can Miles possibly know that is such a secret? Or what can he know that makes Ryan so excited about this revenge he's going to take on me.

I know he's going to try to get revenge on me - because I'm here to stay. I'm here to take it all because I want to - I want to be here...

I'm still that girl in love with her best friend and I can never stop being in love with Ryan. That's also something I'm never gonna be proud of.

So if I was a philosopher what would my famous quote be?

Hmm, "eat your breakfast kids."

That's it.

I read on a stupid diet magazine that eating your breakfast is very healthy and helps with keeping a healthy weight and I call that bullshit because I never eat breakfast and I'm very much way too bone.

But still, eat your breakfast kids.

Or don't, I don't give a fuck.

I switched the light off for the last time and just sat in the darkness, listening to the water drops leaking out of the water tap. We've gotta fix that before the water bill comes higher than me.

Not that we don't have enough money. Dad would've been proud of me for thinking about our economy.

What if the masked guy is after Miles again? What if he heard that I'm back in town and think that I'll tell everyone about the blackmail? What if I lose Miles too?

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