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That shouldn't be so hot. Seriously it shouldn't.

You're in the middle of a battle and Loki just tossed his knife in the air caught it and stabbed someone. You seriously need more therapy.

The team finally wins and you all head back to the jet. It's about a 10 minute trek. You walk with Thor who is a little too hyped up. He really loves battling. Loki is walking behind the both of you listening to you talk.

"Lady y/n what are your plans once you get home? Still settling in?" Thor asks happily.

"Yeah but I have to build furniture and I really don't want to."

"I'm not good at that. Too many tiny pieces. Loki is great at building things! Aren't you brother?" Thor pulls Loki in between the both of you. "He once built an entire boat, a table, and a birdhouse in a summer!"

"Yes I did." Loki says shyly.

"That's so cool. I wish I were better at building things. My shelves and stuff shouldn't be so hard there's just so many. Just need to follow instructions." You tell them.

"I could help if you want." Loki offers.

"Great idea brother!" Thor pats him on the back enthusiastically. Loki looks embarrassed.

"Hey y/n want a ride?" Peter asks swinging from a nearby tree.

"Yeah please!" You say happily walking over to him. "See you guys later!"

"Finally took your chance brother I'm proud of you." You hear Thor say in a loud whisper as Peter awkwardly wraps his arm around your waist. He always gets nervous when he has to hold someone. You just jump up on him. Loki scoffs.

You and Peter look at each other alarmed then laugh. He starts flinging the both of you through trees making it there before anyone.

"Peter what the heck? How did you know?" You scream.

"I could feel it!" He yells laughing afterwards. "I knew he was going to find a way to spend time with you. He looks at you different I swear! Ever since you moved in. We we're playing chess and it was his turn so I was all Mr. Loki? Mr. Loki? Then I looked around and you were getting a new book. You left and he was all sorry spiderling. Then was kinda out of it the rest of the match. He likes you!" Peter shakes you.

"I don't know what to do! I'm nervous! Do I play music? A show? Should I dress up? Do I bring food?"

"You always bring food." Carol says landing. "What are we talking about?"

"Y/n has a date!" Peter says excitedly.

"Oh have fun! Definitely bring food unless you're going out." Carol smiles. She walks up the ramp and sits down waiting for everyone else.

"I don't know if it's really a date. We're just gonna hang out and put furniture together."

"He likes her though!" Peter urges.

"Pete!" You yell.

"Okay okay!" Peter says holding up his hands.

"Now I'm curious! Who is it?" Carol raises one eyebrow.

"Loki." You and Peter say at the same time.

"Oh yeah it's a date. He likes you." She confirms.

"Shut up they're coming!" Peter says.

"Loki will be later." Carol winks at you.

You roll your eyes and laugh. The trip back is about an hour. You're starting to get nervous. You keep looking at Loki and sometimes he's looking at you. He actually blushes the first time you make eye contact. You've never thought about Loki blushing but you like it. You start to wonder if there's any other time he blushes.

Loki OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now