As Friends part 2*

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I already am working on a part 3! It should be finished and posted tonight. I don't know what about this dynamic I love but I really do. Lots of feelings and talking in this one. It makes me so happy. I didn't have time to edit so there's probably some mistakes. I'll love you forever if you just overlook them.

Loki's room is quiet while the two of you read your books on his bed. Loki stretches and his shirt comes up. You stare trying hard not to crawl over and lick his exposed skin. You know you want each other but every time you make a move he makes sure to get you excited before stopping. It was fun for the first few days but now it's starting to hurt your feelings.

You read a bit more of your book. You picked it up at the library the other day. It's an encyclopedia of sexual kinks. You were hoping that it would be another subtle hint that you would like Loki to do anything else to you. You did manage to get on top of him in your bed and grind down on him. The sound he made was beautiful and you're hoping to hear it again.

So far no luck. He seems to only be interested in kissing you. While you love kissing him the sexual frustration is driving you crazy. You spend a lot of you alone time with your hands down your pants.

You've decided that you're going to see what you can get him to do to you as friends of course.


"Yes darling?"

"I have another friend question."


"I'm really bored and I was wondering if you ever choked someone for fun?"

"As in pleasure not murder?"


"I have. Yes."

"Would you like to choke me? I'm really curious how your hands feel cutting off my blood flow."

"Wouldn't you like to wait until we might be doing something that might make it feel better?"

"I just like when you touch me." You crawl over and kiss his neck. "And I really like being choked." You smirk at him.

Loki suddenly has his hand around your throat squeezing the sides tightly. You relax and he grips harder. His other hand travels down massaging each side of your chest. He pinches a nipple over your shirt making you groan. He's never touched you like this before. A few more seconds pass and you tap out. As you gasp Loki just laughs pulling his hands back to his lap.

"You really enjoyed that didn't you?"

"Yes." You giggle.

"Well I like how it looks." He kisses you. "The marks it leaves. How flushed you become." He leans in closer licking up the side of your neck behind your ear before whispering. "I can only imagine what it looks like when you're underneath me taking my cock."


"That's for another time dear."

"You can't say that and expect not to want it!"

"I can darling."

"Fine." You huff. "I'm gonna go work out."

"Have fun." Loki calls as you leave his room.

You change your clothes in your room stopping to admire Loki's fading red handprint. When you get down to the gym and only a few people are actually there. Normally today is a busy one at the compound but everyone seems to be in their own world so you put in your earbuds and stretch before you start running. Wanda smiles as she gets on a machine near you.

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