Chapter 9: Sunny Day Story

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Jake's POV
My side ached, Lily had stopped the bleeding and bandaged me up, she gave me the strongest pain meds she had and that was it. After she bandaged me up I drifted out of consiousness for a time, then I woke up hungry,
"Is there any chance I can get something to eat and some water?" I asked, feeling my stomach rumble and feeling the strain behind my eyes. I needed to rehydrate, refuel, and rest. Being on the run was exhausting, so was loosing a pint or two of blood. Lily told me it probably wasn't more then a pint but I didn't know if I should believe her, it felt like a lot. 

Lily made me some soup and toast, bringing on a tray along with a nice big glass of water.
"I hope you like potato soup," she said, placing the tray down on the bed next to me. I took the spoon and blew on the scalding bite of nourishment. I tasted it, "this is great!" I hadn't eaten in a while so I scarfed it down pretty quickly, then gobbled the bread and guzzled the water. Satisfied I began to feel the edges of my focus drift out consciousness.

"Thank you!" I whispered to her.
"Your welcome, now rest. We'll talk tomorrow."
"Yes I so much to tell you about." Lily left, taking the items left in the wake of our mess , away and I slipped into a peaceful slumber.

I woke up a few hours later feeling better, the rest had been dreamless, I had been out like trout. Feeling as though I could one again use my sea legs, I got up from the bed and made my way through the hall ways to find the bathroom. After a minute of searching my efforts where found fruitful. I took a moment to use the facilities and wash up. Then when I was done I made my way to the kitchen. Lilly was there, busy making breakfast, "Would you like some coffee?"

"Yeah, thanks" she reached over and took a mug, filling it with hot caffeine, and handed it to me.

"Here you go! feel free to doctor it up however you want its all right there." she said pointing to the countertop next to the coffee machine. I made my way over there and then when i was done she pointed to the island bar stools,

"Sit down breakfast will be ready any minute now. Do you like eggs?"

"Eggs are great." I said with a smile. A few minutes later I had a beautiful plate of eggs, bacon, toast, and some strawberries. I eagerly scarfed down the nourishment, "This is amazing Lils I cant remember the last time I ate this good!" She gave me a small sad smile, I knew she felt bad for me, I reached over and grasped her hand.

"Hey it'll be okay, we'll find Hannah, and fix everything. You don't need to worry."

"But I am worried, Richy is in the hospital and we still don't know what happened to him. Hannah is still missing and that... that killer is still out there. And now Makenzie has disappeared and I don't what Im supposed to do anymore."

"Hey we'll figure it out." I reassured her as i swiped away the single tear that had escaped her eyes. She had been so strong and fierce this whole but i could see it slipping, she was just as tired of this as I was.

"Okay we need a plan." she composed herself.

"We do." I agreed

"We need to find Makenzie, I don't know why she went dark."

"We know that Richy was attacked just before she started ignoring us. We know that she was on the phone with him."

"The police said a young woman was the one that called in the attack." Lily added hesitantly.

"You think it was her?"

"I mean it had to be don't you think?" She had a point.

"Yes, but why wouldn't she talk to us...." I tried to puzzle out her reaction. Did she receive another threat?

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