Chapter 19 ~ D-day

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The blood was everywhere. I watched as the little girl ran after the man, "No Come Back!" I yelled. She didn't hear me, she darted around the corner and disappeared. Suddenly I was there with her as she saw the man. There was a big squeal of tires, they almost hit the girl but someone grabbed her out of the way. A stranger on the street, I heard a muffled, "Are you okay?" Then the bangs that echoed against the walls of the building around me. The little girl whirled around, I hesitated fearing what she might see. I tried not to look but my eyes betrayed me and fell upon the man that we had followed. He looked surprised, pained, then I saw the red tar spread from his chest. He crumpled, his body sprawled on the ground. The little girl ran over to him, she fell to her knees and tried to shake him. She pleaded with him to get up. But he didn't listen. He didn't listen. Then I was again with the girl, standing over her and the bloody heap that was once the man. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek as the little girls wails could be heard. I looked closer at her and noticed the splashes of the tar along her cheeks and dress. She too had been ruined by the stain. Faintly I heard the sirens in the background. Then in what seemed to be slow motion other people showed up. People rushing, running, it was loud. People were yelling, lifting the man onto a gurney. But it was too late, they wouldn't be able to save him. But they tried, then they tried to help the little girl. She had tried to go with the man, she was screaming for him. Her screaming was unidentifiable, just white noise in the background. Then I noticed the blood sprouting from the little girl's shoulder. Where did that come from, someone noticed and picked her up forcing her unto her own gurney, she fought them, screaming. Her screams grew louder, more clear. Everything shifted to black as I heard her screams echo in the darkness. She screamed one word, "Daddy." Then the images flashed, staring down at the man and the blood pouring out of him, A body poised a woman blood coating her body, the blood dribbling out of Richy's mouth. The images shifted again, A child running in the woods, ravens cawing in the air. The child turned and I screamed as blood spilled out of its eyes, their screams joining mine. The images continued to flash, faster and faster. All a bloody torture, I began to scream and scream, they wouldn't stop, the people wouldn't stop, some laughed, some yelled blaming me, others joined in my screams of horror. Eventually their screams were silenced, but my cries continued, then joined by the little girl again. Her cries rising louder as my sobs accompanied her in harmony to the nightmare.


Makenzie's POV

I woke up with a start, I almost screamed but I knew I wouldn't. The cry was stuck at the back of my throat, a muscle memory attributed to all the practice I had over the years. I was soaked in sweat , I felt the urge to be sick, the bile rose up in my throat and I grabbed the trash can by the side of the bed that I was in. I vomited the remaining contents of my stomach. As i heaved I felt the long held in tears leek out of my eyes. When I was finished I reached up and grabbed a tissue from a box on the nightstand and swiped at the sour spittle on my lips. I shakily stood and surveyed my surroundings, I was in a bedroom, and I didn't remember coming in here last night or early this morning. I was still shaking, I heard the whispers of the screaming in the back of my mind, I shivered trying to shake it off. I was still in my clothes from yesterday. But my bag had been placed in my room. I grabbed it, opened the door hesitantly, and peered into the hallway. The bathroom was just across the hall, I walked to the door and saw it was open, I went in, turned on the light and shut the door.

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