The Tuba Knight

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This is designed to be read along with the video. If you want to read it along with timestamps, look for my comment in the original video!

The war was coming to it's final moments, a climax to the battle that had occurred for over a decade. All that could be heard along the desolate battlefield was the caws of crows and the quiet ushers of the wind, as it made it's way over the countless bodies of tuba-infantry. 

Many lives of both human-kind and tuba-kind had been lost all for this moment, a final refute between the last forces of each side. 

It finally dawned on you as you pushed yourself up, to stand atop the corpses of those you considered your foes. There was no winner in war, no right nor wrong. Each force was the 'good side' in their own eyes. Each warrior had a reason to fight. Surely there was a better way to resolve this battle, than the bloodshed of many more. 

The faint clanging of brass armor was heard from beneath you. Suddenly, the Tuba-Knight you had cut down just before rustled by your feet. As it rose from the ground to a knee, you felt a great pressure, like this one piece of infantry was shouldering the hopes and dreams of all those human-kind had killed before. 

Regardless - it was one knight versus many human soldiers, the battle was already won. But just for a second, you think to yourself, perhaps you could help this one knight? Settle your differences. Could there be a happy ending? As you reach to extend a hand - an act that you didn't deserve to take after the countless lives you had stolen, it was slapped away.

"You humans... You take everything we have, enslave our people and then think you can pity us?!?"The deep tone echoes from within the helmet, one that had seen countless loved ones die, one filled with hate and prejudice to those who had taken them. "Save it. It's too late to take back what you've done.

It was right. Humans segregated the Tubas. They took their people and turned them into tools. What right did they have to ask for forgiveness? You took in a breath, perhaps about to croak out an apology for all of your sins before the knight screams! A war-cry to echo out upon the already dead battlefield. 

Was it all in vain? 

An armored hand shot out from the side of the knight's cape, a glowing brass sword flew into his grip as he rose from his kneel. Suddenly, hundreds of the brass corpses humans had cut down before rose from the ground, a red aura emitting from their bodies. Was this the culmination of this knight's desire? 

"This isn't over yet, human."


Music is by 'Aurora Australis,' I do not own it in any way, shape or form. Please check him out and leave a like.

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