The Tuba Mechanist

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This one's a bit different, it's not made to be read along with the music, up until a certain part at least (Start at the . . . . section probably). Also, this occurs in a bit of a different timeframe comparatively to the last two entries, but while I know how everything fits together, I'll let my (nonexistant) readers make up their own stories. :)

Also, different music artist this time, please go check out the original song by Noah Geisler and drop a like. You'll find my comment there as well.


"Alright, It's time for you to get some sleep." 

"Mmm, I'm not tired though. Can you tell me a story, father?" 

"...- ..Fine, but just this once, okay?" 

"Once upon a time, there was a tuba-man who we'll call... 'M'. M was born to a Tuba aristocratic family." 

 "Just like you dad!" 

 "That's right! M was like any other child, roudy, loud and stubborn, chasing dreams he could never possibly catch." 

 "I'm not loud!" 

 "Hah, sure kiddo."
"Anyways, M developed a love for artisanry and creation, especially of machines. He devoted his early childhood to tinkering and building, until he could go study magic." 


"Well, M never manifested tuba-magic on his 15th birthday like the rest of us." 

"But I thought everyone was meant to have magic when they grow up!" 

"You're right. Everyone in tuba-kind, despite background, is supposed to learn magic. That's why when he didn't, people didn't like it. He was bullied, cast away..." 

"That's horrible!" 

 "Indeed it is."

 "... So what happened after???" 

"Well, being dismissed by his family, he set out angrily to prove one thing." 

"To prove what?" 

"That magic isn't as important as people make it out to be, that there were other ways to power the boats, railways and light up the city roads without using music.-" 

"Is there such a thing???"

"Hey, let me finish."

"M set out to find 'humans,' a race similar to our own, but without magic."

"I thought 'humans' were just a fairy-tale..."

"Well, M disappeared for 10 years. No one heard of him, people thought he must've passed away out in the wilds, chasing a fairy-tale that didn't exist..." 


"But he succeeded. He reached these 'humans.' At first they didn't get along. -After all, they were of completely different cultures and origins, but he soon found out that his unpopular way of thinking back home wasn't very different to how human inventors did."


"Hah, what? don't believe me?"

" 'Humans' are just a dumb made-up story."

"Maybe... but, you know what they say?"


"That sometimes, out to the far east, you can hear a strange, quiet metallic drone, rumbling through the valleys. Every now and then, people have caught glimpses of a huge brass body of armor reflecting in the moonlight, that moves without chime or note. One that glows a dim white and mists the air with non-magical warmth."

"That's just silly, even I know that! You're just making things up! How would you even know about what happened with these 'humans' anyways???" 

"Heh, well, you're right, who'd believe such a silly story like that."

"I knew it!"

"Well, time for bed. No more dilly-dallying."


The father hummed a little tune, magically dimming the lights of the bedroom. He ruffled the hair of his son, before exiting. It was late at night, and the father sat quietly in the living room, listening quietly to the past news through the magical phonograph. 

Eventually, he stood, relocating himself to sit outside in the cold night air. Taking a seat on a bench overlooking the town below, the father looked up to the dark night sky


"Wow, really using my life's story as a cheap nighttime fairytail." An amused deep voice came beside him.

"If you had kids you'd get it." The father chuckled. 

"As if I'd be so lucky." 

 "If you didn't have that sarcastic personality of yours you might." The father added

"Huh, who knows." He shrugged

"Anyways, 'bout time we get to work?"

"Yeeep. Who was it this time? A court mage?"The muscled tuba-man stood up, before looking off to his side. As he pressed a strange button on his wrist, a bright light was cast upon the two.

"Mick! By the tubas, turn that damn thing off will you?" The father clicked his fingers, a wizard's robe appearing over his basic clothing. 

"You're just scared of anything non-magic, you bloody wizard. But sure, I'll add a night-time mode when I get to it."

"You'd better - it's like pitch black out here! My son's trying to sleep!"

"Yeah yeah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He rubbed the back of his head, before turning around to look towards the spotlight.

Kneeling in the darkness, dazzling the two was the hulking frame of a mech suit.
Mick climbed into a hatch in the front, steam releasing from skewed valves connected to an intricate array of varying pipeline. A glorious division of soft blue, white and red light shone through the Crevices and cracks in it's hull, as it lurched and groaned, standing from the trampled grass. 

The father rubbed his temple bemused, letting out a sigh.
"Anyways, yes. A Court mage is reportedly stockpiling illegal magic enhancers, 'automatic tuners' they call them."

"Sounds pretty bad. Where'd you get the intel?"

"I have my sources."


 The father, adorned in wizard robes, gently rose into the air. "So let's go."

 "No need to tell me...Brother."


Thanks to Noah Geisler for the epic music, please go check him out at the channel link below :)


The Tuba DiariesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora