Follow Her!

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Hi guys! This girl I'm following on here, Kawaii_Alien_Girl, announced that she is turning 16 this Sunday and she wants to reach 220 followers by then, along with make new friends. She is currently at 209 and I thought I could ask you guys to help her reach her goal or even exceed it. Like I said, I'm already following her, so I would appreciate it if you could do the same! And happy early birthday to her as well!

(But instead of Grandpa, it's her actual name. 😅😂🎂)

Hope you have a great birthday, girl! And I hope you reach your goal of followers!

And pretty please with sugar lumps on top, follow her guys! (If you don't know that reference, it's from Bubbles of PowerPuff Girls from the 90s and 2000s.) Thanks and love you all!

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