fuck this shit

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I was sitting with Mitch , Taint, Oli, Danny,Ben and 2 girls who were to drunk after one beer to tell us there names; We were all sitting around smoking a joint, and taking turns smoking a bong and eating brownies that Oli claimed had hash in them....but I didn't notice it.

As I picked up my first brownie , and as I took a bite Oli pissed him self laughing.

" hm?" I said un-enthused

" I might of sneezed on them a bit" Oli said crying with laughter. I threw it at him as he laughed harder and Danny joined in.

Ben turned around and kisses Danny but as he did Austin and Alan walked out from the back of Oli's tour bus smiling , fixing themselves, they were flushed and sweaty..

Everyone cheered when they walked out, Austin had the biggest smile ever but no one seemed to notice Alan, His glare shot to the ground he clamped up and ran outside. everyone was to busy congratulating Austin. But I noticed. I whispered to Taint that I was leaving for a minuet ; he had no problem with it. So I patted Austin and smiled. He smiled back and I ran after Alan. I walked down the steps of the bus and tripped over a ball of ginger , I sat up right and put my arm around him. Alan shock but settled once he realized it was only me.

" Id be so happy if I just had sex with Austin, so whats wrong?" I asked trying to make him smile, but failed.

" I wanted my first time to be special...and it was don't get me wrong but I wish Austin was sober. I just wanted it to be special, and perfect." He sighed .

" Do you wanna know what I do?" I asked trying hard to prove I was listening not just hearing what he had to say.

" please" He asked with pleading eyes .

" I would hug Austin and never let him go,I would try so hard with him, and I would spend this time thinking about how what yous just did is and always going to beautiful and special... Its the purest form of love, so no matter how you look through the glass the water is still going to be crystal clear.....And Austin isn't drunk...Just hyper, well he may be a bit tipsy. So stop sulking and go show him how much you love him" I finished

Alan tackled me to the ground and kissed my head, I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him back while ruffling his hair.

" Thanks man, you make everything just...so inspirational..gees" We both got up and walked back up the steps after I dried Alan's eyes.

The second we got on the bus Alan ran to Austin and slammed his face into his chest and latched his arms around the taller mans torso, sending them both to the ground with a 'thud'. Austin laughed and so did Alan.

" I was wondering were my special kitty went to" Austin giggled as Alan climbed off of Austin. Mitch looked at me and I smirked . So he took the hint that id fill him in later on the gossip.

" So all good in paradise" Danny asked the two men, who just blushed and nodded.

We all began are own conversations, and Taint's death grip began to get tighter. I turned around to face him and tilted my head...????

" whats up?" I asked politely.

" He pressed his lips against mine and we both laughed into the kiss ass everyone around us          ' nawwed ' and 'awwwed' . We pulled apart and glared at everyone around us as they began whistling as if they were not already suspects. Me and Taint burst out laughing and the rest of the guys followed suit...This is one big drug and alcohol induced haze I thought to my self as I took another hash brownie.


Mitch picked me up after he pushed me over for laughing at his hair. The wind from when he stuck his head out the window when the bus driver was driving had completely ruined his hair and it was funny, really fucking funny, so funny that I spat my beer EVERY WERE. Eventually though we calmed down only to hear Danny screaming at Ben in the back of the bus. Ben ripped the curtain across and stormed off on Danny, but Danny walked up to his and slapped his straight across the face and the sound was like glass shattering. Everyone gasped and jaws dropped. Mitch ran over and punched Danny saying how you don't hit the person you love. We all ran over to Ben after the shock made his legs go weak and he dropped to the ground.

Mitch dragged Danny to the back lounge while me and Taint picked up Ben and carried him to the couch and Austin ran and got water, Alan got an ice pack and Oli went after Danny and Mitch. Eventually though Oli, Mitch and Danny appeared. Me, Taint, Austin and Alan formed a protective circle around Ben, Put Mitch spoke up.

" Oii !! outa the w-wayyy let theee-m talkk" He slurred. We all drunkenly agreed and stepped aside. We all stepped off the bus when the driver called for a break. Mitch gave me a cigarette and Oli gave me a light. As Taint held me in his embrace to keep me warm Ben and Danny appeared, They both had red puffy eyes, from both being stoned and obviously had been crying. They were laughing and holding hands.

Danny light Ben's smoke and wrapped his leather jacket around Ben's small frame , Ben left Danny afters on his roll up and Danny rewarded Ben's polite actions with a kiss on the cheek. We all stared but past no comment. Later on when we were inside we decided to call it a night after nursing Ben's hand print bruise. He seemed fine now, both of them were beaming with smiles.

Me and Taint slept together on the couch, Oli slept in the bunk with Mitch, the two girls left, Danny and Ben slept in the back lounge and Austin and Alan slept on the floor in the sitting room with me and Taint. Mitch and Oli weren't going out although Mitch had told me in secret that he has a crush on Oli but isn't going to act on it, which this time I had to agree he did because no one knew what sexuality he was ,and Oli wold snap at you if you asked something like that because he gets super paranoid . later that night me and Alan gossiped about what happened between Ben and Danny.

Me and Alan were getting into a deep conversation .

" what do you think Ben did to deserve a slap that fucking hard..my ears hurt at the noise?"

" I have no idea but do you think its a bit weird how easily Ben forgave Danny, I mean if Taint did that to me I wouldn't act as if it never happened"

" Well maybe Ben was misbehaving and needed to be put back in line...did you ever think about that" said Danny from behind us...'.Were fucked'  I thought.

" What do you mean??" We asked in unison

" Its me and Ben's agreement, Now if you don't mind I have to get ice for my baby's face"...And with that Danny disappeared once again.

" What did he mean by 'agreement"?? " Alan asked slightly scared and uncomfortable, He was trembling.

" Were fucked if I know, But relax, get some sleep Alan" I cooed and bent over the edge of the couch and ruffled his hair , kissing his and Austins heads with a good night kiss only to curl up into Taint and kiss his chest while listening to his thumping heart beat. His pulse washed over me and the staring trance I was once in was washed away from me by sleep.

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