I was once possibly maybe perhaps a cowboy king

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Kuza's POV

I had walked to the 'abandoned' playground having a smoke chilling on the swings, writing music ..just to get away for awhile. I'll take you back and explain . my name is Mike kuza , I'm 16 years old , I'm in fresh grove high school and I'm officially expelled ; only because a few guys in my year thought it would be funny to attack the "emo fag" and when I fought back I was called to the office while my parents were called.. My mom was o sweet and understanding and the same with my dad but the guys who attacked me didn't even get a slap on the wrist.. I cant help but think its cause of the way I look. When I explained to the head master what had happened and my parents demanded he check the CCTV camera's but he refused to even look in the direction of he camera's . They told my parents I was best of in ab-other school because they didn't think it was the best place for me. I felt bad for my parent I'm always being kicked out of schools for this. But that was when i was in America

But as I left I looked across the pitch black street ,dead as night and seen a few guys walking back to were they came from...I've never seen them here before.. Oh i live in Japan its really nice here, bright, warm, exotic, diff rent...ive only been here for 2 days so i suppose thats why i hadnt seen them before. I had to go home it was already getting bright out. As i unlocked my front door and kicked of my shoes my mom came over to me hugging me and kissing me getting her lipstick all over me.

"MOOOOOMMMMM staphh hahaha"

"How are you hunny ?"

"curious as ever"

" Thats my boy , i love you "

'' Love you too mom "'

And with that i padded up to my room and began drawing my animation.. in the works; I love drawing , especially animations.

as i was getting deeper and deeper into my animation; highly ispiered by big hero 6.. best movie ever.. anyway a stone clatered against my circular window. I walked over and opened it to get a better look.

I was hit in the head by another stone.."OWW fuck." I wined

"hahaha sorry.. just come outside"

em this is weird but okay .. I closed my window and ran back down stairs while shoving on my shoes, I walked outside and seen the same guys huddled around talkin and laughing. I walked over and they turned to look at me..

" Ah i told you Chris there was a new kid " One of them said, they were just like me, makeup long hair painter nails darker clothes..yeayyy friends.'' Yeah im kuza i moved here 2 days ago..why did you throw stones at my window..and my head"

" Haha yeah sorry about that man , um well we seen you around and thought you looked like a lost kitten ..and  Chris thinks your a sexy motherf-"

'' Shut the fuck up Ang.. He was just kidding, Im Chris, thats Angelo, thats Ricky, Balz, Ghost, Ryan's not here so you can meet him later...if you want"

"Balz ..thats int resting, Hi by the way um thanks for stalking me , yeah id love to meet him haha"

"'well do you wanna come chill with us were going to play call of duty in are house on xbox and we really want youto come along"

" okay ill tell my mom"'

I walked into the house gesturing for them to follow... they eventually all shyly shuffled into the kitchen, My mom jumped up with a huge smile o  her face .

" Kuza i didnt know you already made friends, hi I'm kuzas mom its lovely to meet yous all, are yous thirsty or hungry??"

21 FUCKING QUESTIONS lolllllll. After my mom asked 1000 more questions and the politely excepted a glass of water each my mom gave it to them i spoke up.

" mom is it okay if i go play xbox with well..everyone". My mom handed me a glass of water and spoke up.

" Kuza its nearly 3 am but yeah okay . Are you planning on coming back tonight or are you staying over in.."

"' its all of are house m'am"

"' Oh okay well are you staying?

 Yes that would be fun do you wanna stay Kuza"Ricky screeched .

"Hahahah yeah okay ill just grab the essentials"

 I grab makeup and clothes blah blah blah bullshit and walked downstaires into the kitchen . my dad was int here now, talking to the guys; I walked over to my parents and hugged  them goodbye.

" See you boys later" my dad called out after us.

"' thank you for the hospitality Ms AND Mr kuza" they all said , then  we left , we walked down the road ; no one was alive at this time of night. we walked up to the forest and i stopped.

"' whats wrong"' Chris said.

"' Is this were you all murder me?"

" well if we were we certainly wouldnt tell you , but no, we live ina house deeper in.. for privacy. ill hold your hand if you like"

then the guys began laughing, but I grabbed chris'hand which took even him by suprise buthe didnt retreat his hand. we walked deeper and deeper ; untill we strolled up to a huge, glass house with a Tim Burton construction vibe,  I could hear water and shot Chris a look. He pulled me over to the edge of a cliff and i seen a beautiful waterfall. this is going to be fun.

" Come on lovers ill make coffee"' Angelo yelled and then i seen Ricky running inside shouting with delight.

A.N I know this isn't the best but i really wanted to give you guys something to read , i Will update as soon as possible- OM xox

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