Black Coated Beast

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  We set our first goal to reach a place a day away from Cytus. It was Jenley, which I heard was supposed to be the village that Eden originated from. That's as much I know because he wants to keep his past a secret.

Eden and I have been walking for six hours straight and the nighttime was coming closer. Until it was dark outside. Eden didn't seem tired at all, I guess he was used to it.

"Hey, are you feeling okay there?" asked Eden.

I think he noticed that I have been shaking a bit. To be honest I still haven't gotten over my fear of the dark.

"North..." Eden then turned around, took off his coat and placed it over my shoulders.

After that he looked straight into my eyes that were clouded with slight fear. His eyes on the other end were pretty sky blue pearls that gave off a sad and pained look, the reason for him to have such sad eyes I didn't want to ask but hoped that he would tell me the reason himself in the future.

He thought about something for a minute and then continued with a sweet and collected voice,

"...You're still afraid of the dark? I thought that you had already overcome it" after hearing it I nodded and then said

"Don't worry about it. It won't stop me" I smiled while saying it.


"What was tha-" I couldn't finish my sentence before I was pulled into the rough bushes by Eden.

"Shh.. Stay quiet if you want to live through the night" He whispered with a sharp voice. Then he continued,

"It's a Kyro. Don't worry, I'll deal with it . YOU STAY HERE, got it?" I nodded while shaking with sudden fear.

Standing near the bushes was around three meters tall, four legged creature with sharp horns on its head. It also had a black coat with red details.

Looking at the creature I realised why everyone has been so afraid of them and why Eden wants to take down the Main lab that rules over the entire planet called Atvis.

I felt how my heartbeat got faster and faster. I feared that I won't be able to leave this forest alive.

Eden ran out of the bushes leading the creature farther away from the place we were hiding. After he got it far enough from he grabbed his gun and shot its eye. Kyro was looking around trying to sense Eden but the time it found him he was on its back and stabbed its core. Then Kyro stopped moving and fell. Eden jumped down from the dead Kyro and walked up to the bush I was hiding in.

"Why are you so worried North? It was nothing compared to what we will encounter in the future." said Eden while offering me a hand to get up. I took his hand and got up.

"I won't be afraid in the future, it was just... very sudden" I said while hiding my stutter. Eden nodded and said

"Then let's get going"

We continued walking because we knew that staying in the forest might leave us dead before the morning arrives. 

Atvis: The Journey of NorthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang