Leader of the mission

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  I woke up in my bed. Yet another morning. I must have dozed off in the kitchen and somehow sleepwalked back. It wasn't a warm and happy morning as usual. It was gloomy and somewhat sad. I would have wished that yesterday was just a nightmare that I would wake up from one day. I sat up on my bed and fell in thought. I got dressed and went to grab some breakfast.

"He isn't here, huh"

I mumbled with slight sadness. I ate my breakfast by myself and thought about the incomplete mission. If I'm able to complete it would I get rid of this sadness and guilt in me?


I set it as the plan and started preparing for it. First things first, the Main lab building. Looking at it from far away it seemed very secure. I wanted to get as much information as possible and then set the plan in action because if I make a rash decision it might end up even worse than right now. I chose not to tell Eden about it, he might have tried to stop me if I did and I couldn't allow it to happen.

I spent a whole week setting the plan in place. In that time I saw Eden only a few times but I knew that he wanted to collect his thoughts and I let him do so.

The night has arrived now and I could set my foot outside in the first location. The Dark Heaven bar, It's one of the Border city underground bars. The underground comes from the fact that they were underground but the shady business was going on there as well.

Getting there wasn't that easy at all. Normal commoners weren't even allowed to pass but disguising myself granted me the entrance. I had to meet one of the most known informators to get everything I needed. As far as I knew their names should be Ajax and their hair should be dirty blond colored. Meeting someone who had blond hair in the bar was an easy deal.

I spotted him almost instantly. He was sitting in one of the corner couches with a few people around him. I stepped closer and had a fast look at him.

He had light skin, dirty blond hair as I already knew and shining night blue eyes. I thought that he would be older because by his looks he could have been around twenty sevenish. Additionally to that he was very tall, around six foot five.

Ajax somehow gave off a really familiar aura but I couldn't pinpoint what It was supposed to be.

I then got straight to the point.

"You're Ajax?," I said with confidence.

"I am, what about it," he answered with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Tell me everything you know about the Main lab."

He was surprised by what I had said yet gave me a slight smirk.

"Okay, but I can't say it here. There might be Main lab spies here. Come with me." He stood up and started walking out of the main room and I followed.

We reached an empty balcony and he closed the door behind us. Ajax leaned against the balcony left side wall and asked,

"So, why do you want to know everything about the lab? I won't tell you anything if I don't have a good reason for it."

I let out a sigh and answered,

"I want to take the lab down and destroy this unfair society."

"And how do you plan to achieve it?"

"I don't have a choice. I have to do it any way I can.. even if it takes my life"

He let out a small laugh and said,

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