Painful Grassfield

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  After the talk about Eden's family we walked back to our camp that he had set up while I was looking around. Understanding that Eden wanted to be alone, I let him do so while I went to sleep near the closed door on the small house that we couldn't get into.

I had a lot of questions that I would have wanted to ask Eden but I decided not to, like why would he be shot? What happened to this village? I got so tired from thinking that much so I gradually fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and slowly looked around myself. And noticed a beige colored blanket covering me that I definitely didn't have before falling asleep. I suppose that Eden must have thought his thoughts through and placed the blanket on me. He didn't always show it but he was a very caring and kind person.

I took my jacket and stood up. Eden was already up and made breakfast for both of us. I walked closer and sat down.

"Good, you're awake. I decided that we would be moving again today after breakfast because I have gotten everything I needed from here." said Eden while keeping his eyes on the food that was warming up on the low fire.

After some time the food was ready to be eaten, we ate our food and packed our stuff together again.

We started walking west, to the most dangerous part of our journey, to the huge desert that separates the Border from the rest of the world.

Before reaching the desert we had to cross another rundown village that was on our way to the destination. We got closer and closer.

It was really pretty around us, tall trees with shiny blue leaves, big grass fields with a lot of colorful flowers and last but not least the warm sun that gave the surroundings a warm feeling except that one part of the field that somehow didn't have any sunlight on it.

The mood there was very gloomy and dark.

"Um, Eden? Can we take a look there" I said while pointing my finger at that certain location.

"It doesn't look like a safe place to be. I think we should avoid it because there may be Kyros and we don't want to mess with them" he said while looking at the pointed place.

" He.. lp m...e!" screamed someone from the dark part of the grass field.

I had a bad feeling about it and started running there as fast as my legs could take me.

"NORTH! DO YOU WANT TO GET KILLED?" screamed Eden while running after me.

I didn't respond. I reached the place where I heard the cry for help, I looked around and saw a body right next to a huge rock. While walking closer to it I felt my bad feeling getting worse and worse while I was reaching the person.

It was a young girl whose age could have been somewhere around sixteen years old.

She was unconscious and thankfully she was still breathing. Looking at her body she had a huge scar on her hand and few scratches on her body, head and legs.

"NORTH... look out!" I heard Eden screaming. I fastly turned around and there were dosen of Kyros surrounding the rock. 

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