Cнаpтёя 12

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An out of breath Pluto barges into the game room and I instantly perk up at the excited look on his face. "What happened, Sir?" I ask him, unable to keep the curiosity out my tone.

"Sage just said he wants to be with us." He pants out and the room grows silent at his words.

"You're not joking?" Luke asks. I pray he's not joking. Pluto would never joke about something like this though.

"I'm dead serious." He finally says after catching his breath.

"Well do we just give in immediately or do we tease him a bit?" Trë asks, a sly smirk on his face. I shake my head, of course he wants to start something, but in all honesty he'll probably be the one to give up first.

Trë loves attention and he's been wanting Sage since he first saw him. "I'm not wasting no more time." I state and Luke, Frankie, and even Derik agrees with me.

"I-I agree with Mar." Frankie says pushing his glasses further up his face and I take his hand in mine. Frankie and I head towards Sage's room, and I can feel Frankie's hand begin to shake, or is it mine?

We look at each other and we both take a steadying breath before I knock. We wait a minute, then Sage opens the door, shirtless and my mouth instantly dries at such a wonderful sight. "Marley, Frankie, what can I do for you?" Sage's silken voice flows over me and I force myself not to shiver from the way he says my name.

"Pluto told us your decision. We were the first to recover from our shock and the only ones brave enough to approach you." I explain, stammering over my words a bit, under his smoldering gaze.

"Would you like to come in?" Sage asks and we both nod our heads, stepping closer to the door and he moves out of the doorway.

I didn't expect Sage's room to be so bare. No decorations. The only thing in the room is his bed, two dressers, and a small desk with a chair. "Have a seat on the bed for me." He demands us softly, and a blush begins to rise on my cheeks, and I'm sure Frankie looks the same way. He get flustered just as easily as I do. "So what can I do for you, boys?"

"W-well we just wanted t-to hang out w-with you." Frankie says, gripping his knees, each time he stutters.

"Let's see if we can go into town together then." Sage stands up, and claps his hand once. He moves towards one of his dressers and pull out three hoodies, handing each of us one.

"What are these for?" I ask, my confusion clear in my voice.

"So you don't get cold, and also I like to see the men I'm courting in my clothes." He adds the last part in slyly, a smug smirk on his face from the matching blushes on our faces.

We head towards the sitting room, and see that all the boys are still gathered there. "We're heading into town, just to hang out. Anybody else want to come?" I ask the group, getting all 'no's.' If this affected Sage, he didn't show it and I can feel the mischief radiating from Trë.

"Mar, are you even sure King Sage wants to hang out with lowly peasants like us?" Trë sneers and I see Sage, ball his hands in a fist.

"Well, if the peasants have your attitude, I don't." Sage sneers back just as viciously and ushers us towards the door, and out of the silent sitting room.

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