The beginning-1

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He was running. Not very fast, though, it was like trying to walk underwater, to explain it much clearer. But he was scared, and so he tried his hardest to get away from what was chasing him.

He was running through a maze as tall as the sky, blocking out the sun or any signs of life outside of the green mess of bush.

It was foggy out, he'd have to stay alert, who knows what lurked in that fog? 

He somehow knew where to go as he hadn't run into a dead end.

"Shit." he hollered and pounded his fists on the impenetrable bush. 

Out of the blanket of wetness in the air emerged a figure. He was tall, and slender, with a great big mop of hair sitting atop his 6 foot frame.

He has haunted Nassor's dreams these past weeks, and Nassor called him the dreaded palm tree man, for a lack of more creative names. 

"Leave me alone!" Nassor pleaded, holding his arms in front of him.

The figure extended his arm and grabbed Nassor.

That's when he woke up, and thank whoever for that. He sat right up, feeling his sheets stick to his sweaty back. As his eyes adjusted, he flicked on his lamp and grabbed his phone.

He held it up to his ear, still shaking, and let the caller id ring. Once. Twice.

"This is buck speaking." A groggy voice rasped.

"He-hey buck! It's Nassor!"

"Yeah I know." Buck sat up on his bed and wiped his eyes of sleep. "What did the mucinex guy do this time?"

"What? No it wasn't him, this time..." he trailed off for a moment. Buck clearing his throat brought him back. "It was the palm tree man."

"Uh-huh." Buck reached into his side table and pulled out a handful of m&ms, making him feel more awake. Being Nassor's best friend meant dealing with all his three in the morning quirks. It was a rough job, but he liked it. "Do tell me more."

"Well I was running through a maze, like that one kid does in The shinning. But instead of snow it was just really foggy and wet. And then I turned to a dead end, where he caught me." After hearing silence on the other side, he added a small "the end."

"Not to be rude man but that wasn't worth walking me up at three in the morning for. Love you dude,  You'll be fine, please go back to sleep." And he hung up without another word.

Except Nassor couldn't go to sleep like buck had told him to. He clicked off his light and laid on his back. His ceiling looked like it always did, nothing new there, but it was still calming to look at.

Sometime after 4:03, Nassor drifted back into sleep, only to be taken back out around 6 by his alarm clock.

Another long day of not paying attention in school had gone by, and Nassor was walking home again. He and Buck parted ways not too long ago, and all Nassor wanted to do was go home and take a nap...that was easier said than done, though. 

The fear of having another nightmare kept his eyes open, but didn't stop his body from being totally exhausted. At least summer break was soon, he'd have his weekends off to keep him going. 

Then, the ground shook. Nassor instinctively thought it was an earthquake, but as he was outside he didnt have a doorframe to lean into. 

He stood next to a nearby tree on the sidewalk and crouched underneath it, closing his eyes, putting his hands over his ears...

He didnt know how to explain it, but the second he was situated, it was like a switch was flipped.

The world wasnt shaking, the wind wasnt whipping around to make the leaves smother him, there was just simply nothing. Nassor would later find out that he was knocked unconscious, but for now, he just had the most peaceful sleep in a long while. 

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