this red haired fucker stole my hoodie-3

18 1 7

"Ok so i didn't really think this far into the plan, if i were to be honest.'' Bob nervously laughed. "I didn't even think that getting you here would work, but we're here now I guess..." he shrugged. "Would you go talk to buck?" 

Nassor shrugged. "Sure. I don't really have anything to lose right now." 

The three walked down the hall to where Bucks room was. Somehow, that had stayed the same, even if the family portraits on the wall and the weather and the everything else was different, it was nice to know that was the same. 

He walked over to Buck's closed door and knocked on it, deftly aware that Bob and Bailey were watching him. 

"Go away Bob, I don't wanna see you." A voice croaked from inside. 

Nassor knocked a little harder. Bob and Bailey were standing a safe several feet behind Nassor now, they must know something he dosent. 

He banged on the door with almost his entire arm now. "Open up fucker, it's me!"

A big groan could be heard from behind the door, followed by multiple footsteps and the door swinging open, a groggy Buck standing at about his normal height, looking peeved as always. 

Buck stood in the doorway, just as short and as irritated as ever. Nassor hadn't missed much in this dimension that's for sure. 

He narrowed his eyes at Nassor, then looked behind him to see his brothers. 

"Really? Another impersonation? How many people are you gonna hire Bob?" He put his hands on his hips before facing Nassor again. Nassor wasnt exactly sure how to feel, how could he not be himself? 

"Impersonator? This is the real deal, dear brother of mine, right here just for you!" Bob put on a charming salesman voice, standing by Nassor's right side, trying to make Nassor out to be much cooler than he was. He was almost flattered by this. 

"Yeah! We, uh, found him on his way here and brought him over!" Bailey joined in, appearing on Nassors left side. 

Buck slammed the door. Nassor groaned and kicked it back open, stomping after Buck and pulling his collar in his fist, bringing his face next to Nassor's. 

"Listen here nerd, i'm the real deal, and if you can't see that, I'm just gonna go home!" He pointed his finger menacingly. 

Buck blinked before he jumped up and wrapped his arms around Nassor. 

"Ive missed you, Nassor." he cried into Nassor's hoodie, bunching it up in his fists, like he was trying to stop Nassor from floating away. 

Nassor, not knowing how to respond, awkwardly patted Buck on the back. His Buck wasn't this clingy....

Ok that was a lie, but his Buck was this clingy with other people around. 

Or were Buck's brothers used to him being this clingy? These very same thoughts racked around Nassor's brain before he decided to let them go and to address more pressing matters at hand. 

Buck was either wearing Nassor's cologne or he was wearing his hoodie... he didn't know witch was weirder, so he said "Are you wearing my hoodie?" 

Buck leaned back, still holding Nassor In his tight grip, and looked him in the eyes, his blue eyes glazed with tears. 

"Uh yeah?" He sniffled. "It's the one you gave to me with all the triangles over it." Buck then resumed his very much needed hug. 

"Alright" Did Nassor have a hoodie covered in triangles? Did it look this good on his Buck? Should he give it to his buck?

Nassor's puzzled thoughts were interrupted by a door closing loudly from downstairs.

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