tree decor-8

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In the early morning, Nassor found himself out of Bucks arms and instead was cradling him in his own arms. Buck's head was laying on his chest while Nassor's arm was wrapped lazily around him. 

He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, Nassor thought, brushing a few stray curls from his forehead. He really was beautiful.  

He kissed the top of his head before falling back asleep. From in his arms, Buck smiled. 


Nassor really was exited for Christmas now, feeling truly accepted into the new world. 

Well, being accepted still came with its flaws. Everyone was pushed to the attic to carry down the Christmas decor. 

Everyone had to take at least two boxes, and given it did make it a lot easier, it was also hard to get down the rickety steps of the attic. 

Nassor came pretty close to tripping down the stairs and into buck but he saved it by face planting into the wall, getting dust all on his cheeks.

The only one who asked if he was alright was Bailey, but Nassor brushed him off. He didn't need sympathy from Bailey of all people. 

By the time Nassor made it to the living room,  the other boxes were already being opened and looked through. 

Steve walked over to Lewis, holding a little silver camcorder, a wide smile on his face. 

"Hey babe look what I found." 

Lewis turned around as the camera focused on his face, a little smile creeping on his face as he recognized the camcorder. "Aw Steve," he gushed. "Does it still work?" 

"It should." He turned it off and slipped it onto the shelf above the fireplace. "I'll have to look at it later for the footage." Steve said before kissing Lewis. 

Bob opened a box and yanked out a whole bundle of Chirstmas lights, his smile on his face wider than Steve's. 

"Me and Bailey got the outside lights!" Bob yelled giddily as he threw his coat on.

"Bob come on, I ALWAYS help you." Bailey whined. He looked around the room. "How about your girlfriend helps you?"

Bob kicked his brother in the back of the knee. "Come on Bailey, you're so great at untangling the lights."

He grumbled before his eyes landed on Nassor "How about Nassor helps you?"

That quickly led to Nassor hastily putting on his shoes and Bob putting his heavy winter jacket on him before shoving him outside.

Bob and Nassor were sitting on the roof, with Bob stapling lights and Nassor untangling them.

I don't get why I can't just stay inside, it's cold as shit out here. Nassor thought as he un-knotted another part of the wire and tossed it in Bob's direction. 

Bob, somehow reading nassors thoughts, said "Come on man it's not that bad out here, it's warmer than it was last year." Bob stapled.

Nassor sighed and watched as his warm breath danced across his face before dissipating. "I know I just wish I was...Inside."

"Mhm, I bet you just want to be inside with Buck ." Bob said, grinning a little and looking up at Nassor slyly.

 Nassor narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "What's that supposed to mean?" 

"Nothing, nothing." Bob brushed the question off. "Oh- how's everything with Buck by the way? Did you kiss him yet?" 

"Not yet." Nassor sighed. "Do you think he suspects anything?" 

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