Kelly's Recovery

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I wake up to Kelly grunting and groaning. "Kelly" Stella grumbles trying not to wake too much, until she feels a shift on their bed, she sits up instantly trying to readjust her eyes to the sudden light, jumping out of bed "Let me help you" she panics as and grabs his arm just before he wobbles, helping Kelly stand up straight despite his protest of not needing him. "Kelly you know you shouldn't be getting up on your own yet" She loudly reminds him for the 1000th time this in the past 24 hours "I just wanted to pee" He huffs. "I know, but please let me help you, at least until the staples come out" She calmly responds as Kelly takes a deep breathe, wincing in pain. He stops for a second taking a deep breathe before aiding him to the bathroom and then back to bed, helping him prop his pillows up so he's somewhat comfortable before she leave the bedroom to grab a few things.

Up until a few weeks ago, it never really occurred to him how strong Stella actually is. Despite him being almost double her weight, when he sustained falling from the 8th floor after a failed rope rescue, Stella ran to him and carried him bridal style into the back of a rig since the paramedics were 'taking too long', while he still had full bunker gear.

Kelly sits there helplessly, trying to think about anything other than the 40 staples currently calling his abdomen home, every breathe he takes it feels like his insides are being scratches. He hates that every time he adjusts himself, even if its just a little he gets a singe and burning feeling and the pain from coughing makes him want to scream. He knows he's stubborn and keeps trying to do things for himself because he absolutely hates the feeling of being utterly helpless. He knows every time he does something he shouldn't be, Kidd will definitely be telling him off.

Stella walks back into their room holding a few different things which she drops on the bed by his feet. "Have a couple bites of the banana, then these" She hands him a mini cup filled with various medications and the fruit, he takes a couple bites before he gets overwhelmingly nauseated, with that he knocks back the pills and sinks himself as far back into his pillows as possible. "Baby talk to me" she calmly asks touching his arm softly to try and comfort him.

"Nausea" He grunts, "You gonna puke?" She asks, Kelly doesn't respond with anything that is understandable so she grabs one of the puke bags from under his side of the bed and a soft pillow covered in a towel which she places on his abdomen, he clenches it and pushes it down.

A little time passes and so does the nausea, the pair are cuddling awkwardly, Stella sat in a way as to not hurt him but isn't all that comfortable for her. "How much longer am I gonna have to deal with this crap?" He grumps pissed off with himself. "Babe, I know you're mad at yourself, but you know it wasn't your fault, you're equipment was faulty and I'm sorry you had to pay the price for it, but its not gonna be like this forever, just a couple more weeks" Stella responds looking deeply into his eyes, looking sympathetic."I'm not letting Boden get anymore equipment new equipment" He grumbles pulling her back into his chest.

Stella knows how much he's blaming himself for the unavoidable accident waiting to happen. They had no idea that the new ropes had been recalled 11 minutes before the call. They had no idea Kelly was going to need to rope rescue himself from the 14th floor with the new equipment, all they could do was watch in horror when it snapped just before he managed to reach the waiting ariel. It was less than 3 seconds until Kidd reached him and medics started treating him in minutes. Also despite constant re-assurance and reminders he's no less of the man, he used to be by asking for help, he would rather do things himself and end up hurting himself more. Everyone is well aware he's by far to stubborn to admit he need the help.

A little time passes.. Stella must have dozed off because she's woken by Kelly groaning as he attempts to grab his pain meds by himself which are slightly out of his reach, she pushes herself up and over his legs to grab the bottle but he attempts to stop her. "Please let me help you" she says frustrated.

Noting it's starting to become dark outside, "I'm gonna make some dinner, what do you want your soup?" She asks. "Sure" He grumbles waiting until Stella's out of his eye line before standing up himself and shuffling his way to the couch, as quite as he can before cautiously sitting himself down.

Stella does a double take noticing Kelly going to sit on the couch, she let's him but continues to watch him ready to pounce should she need to, she continues to heat up his soup and make herself something to eat before making her way to the couch, Kelly holding a pillow to his abdomen, tears streaming down his cheeks a little.

"Kelly talk to me" she asks panicked putting the tray of food down on the table and kneeling intront of him. "Are you in pain?" Stella asks again. He nods, she goes to get up but Kelly grabs her arm panicked, gripping it in a way he's never held her before, it hurts.

"I think I'm bleeing" He mumbles, moving the pillow away so Stella can take a look. Sure enough he busted 11 staples.

Part 2??

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