witchy woman

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A/N: two chapters in one day!! im so excited to share this with you guys. thank you to anyone that reads it. i really really hope you enjoy!

TW: mentions of s/a and a short snippet of having a move made without consent. stay safe 🤍


As they approached Jarvis' house, the thick stench of weed hung muggy in the air, and Wanda eagerly began taking the front steps two at a time in order to make her way to the upstairs bathroom; medicinal fog leaked from the crack in it's window, and much to their surprise, Jarvis flung it open. Crimson eyed, and mousey brown hair fluffy as it hung over his forehead, he greeted them with an enthusiastic wave of both hands. Jarvis blew bundles of kisses at the tawny haired girl. He was a great guy, truly. Great enough to get Wanda to love him at least.

Mel caught Steve side-eyeing her. His steel eyes were narrowed as he pierced her from over his shoulder. She felt her body cave, twiddling her thumbs bashfully as she brushed past him. Steve gazed on as his sister caught up with her friends, Jarvis now slumped against the wood of the front door, holding himself up disgracefully. Jarvis took Wanda into his scrawny arms, tumbling over his unlaced, large black boots and shimmying them back on with what feeble strength he had in his lower half. "Queenie," His dumb grin reappeared on his face; stubble casting a shadow across his angular chin. "You ready to party?"

Delighted, Wanda weaved away from him and propped his lean frame up against a post on the porch. She tapped her pocket lightly, enough to signal that she had managed to score. Grinning up at him, the girl shot him a quirky wink and twitched her head in the direction of Steve. Melody's brother stood stoically with his thick arms crossed across his chest.

"Steve, good to see you man," Jarvis's English accent was a different tone entirely. He flicked a finger gun in his direction with a wacky smile. "How you doin?"

Wanda pulled him in for a quick word, and patted his back gently; any harder a touch and he would've fallen over. "He's good." The tawny haired girl gleamed, pressing a kiss to the stoned boy's cheek. "He's come to party."

Steve nodded once, on edge. He wasn't acquainted with drugs, let alone their dealers. Melody on the other hand enjoyed the mellow state and randomised chats generated under the green grass' compulsion. She was no stranger.

"Jarvis always throws mad good parties." Tasha added, placing her hands on her hips impatiently. Now she was out of sight of her parents she had borrowed a short red dress from Melody, and ruffled her hair that now trailed down her back like a shawl. "So are we gonna go in or what?"

With a curtsy, Jarvis wafted his hands in the direction of the front door. "After you, me' ladies."

Filing through the doorway went Tasha, Gwen and Wanda; the three girls held hands as they traipsed down the hall single file towards the boom of music blaring from the kitchen. As Melody waltzed in she felt the floor hum with crowds of people from all over town. The liveliness of partygoers buzzed in the air, along with the occasional whiff of beer, and she was suddenly engulfed by the mass instantaneously. The three girls had immersed themselves in the crowd and Melody glided along the floor on her tiptoes to try and scorer the room for them. Glancing over her shoulder she was quick to find Steve still behind her, urging her to go forward. So she did. Clawing her way to the island in the kitchen, she tore through the crowd and found the keg. She grabbed two of the empty red plastic cups and drew herself and her brother a drink, passing it to him once done.

"You okay?" She asked, watching him cautiously. Her brother's eyes leapt to a group of his friends clustering the far corner of the room by the pool table. Melody caught his yearning stare and rolled her eyes, a little reluctant.

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