Chapter 1: The New Girl

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FYI! Please be aware that this was originally written for a contest in short story format and each "#" is actually considered a break. So I suppose those "#" could've been "chapters" but it felt far too short for my taste. I didn't submit the story in the end and I decided to post it here. I hope you like it.


The sun was blazing overhead and there wasn't a cloud in the damn sky. I wiped away the beads of sweat from my forehead. Breathe in, out, in, out. Try to keep the same pace.

"Conrad! Good pacing. Keep it up", Coach Cuesta yelled encouragingly.

I groaned inwardly. Having P.E. in this heat should be considered child abuse. At least the teacher's stuck out here too. I watched Coach Cuesta guzzle down his water bottle as I jogged past. I tried my best to keep my breathing even but it was starting to come out in ragged huffs and puffs. I glanced enviously at the few students siting in the shaded bleachers. I recognized one of them. The long pale blonde hair, great legs...but those eyes. God should just make it a rule of thumb to give blondes light eyes. It just seemed sad that she had those large dark brown eyes when she was already so homely. Why not just let her have blue eyes? I spotted Drake a little further up and pushed myself to catch up to him. He was one of the only friends I've made since moving down here three months ago from Winter Park.

"Hey Drake!"

"What is it", he replied sourly.

I elbowed him. "That's not how you greet friends."

"Sorry. It's this damn heat! It's driving me crazy."

"Gotta love Miami. Every day is a beach day here."

"Except that we're stuck in school."

"Yeah...being fifteen blows."

"So does this class."

I glanced back at the bleachers. I spotted her zoning out while gazing at the sky.

"So...why's the new girl sitting out?"

"Who", Drake asked. He sounded sincerely clueless.

Annoyed, I replied, "Blonde chick with the long legs on the bleachers."

Drake ran backwards for a bit, then turned around again.

"Oh, her. Uh...I think she has asthma."


"Yeah. That's what I heard."

Confused, I asked, "But wasn't she running all this week? And last?"

I heard the sharp trill of Coach Cuesta's whistle signaling that class was over. I slowed my jog down to a walk.

Drake rolled his eyes. "I don't know. Maybe. Who cares?"

"You don't find it weird?"

"You're weird! Race you to the showers!"

Drake took off and I chased after him.


The warm water felt good after so much running. I dropped the new girl thing with Drake. I knew that it was beginning to irritate him how often I brought her up. But it bothered me. She has only been here for about two weeks and I already hate her. Actually that might be too strong of a word. I might just be deeply jealous. She's ditched class, shown up the next day without an office approved sick note and the teachers don't even bat an eye. Don't even ask her for one. I've seen her walk out of class in the middle of a lecture. Teacher didn't even notice. Nor did the rest of the class. What is this chick's deal?! How does she do it?

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