the first blind meeting

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" phil"
" oh for the love of prime PHIL GET YOUR ASS UP !!!"
" huh wha-whats happineing "
" you need to get up we have guests down stairs "
i jumped out of my bed and went into the shower and scrubbed myself clean as fast as possible and got into my clothes even faster
"wow that was only 5 minutes "
" shut it "
" got it , also our guests are the kings and queens of the kindoms coming to the ball so i'd say change into formal clothes "
"shit , can you grab my meeting formal for me "
" yep here ya go "
" thanks "
i changed as fast as i could, i didnt want to make our guests wait any onger then they already have
" ok im done lets go "
i begain to walk twords my door only to be stopped by ian
" hey what the hell-"
"shhhh would you be quiet , i need to fix your hair "
he started to fix my hair and soon stepped away to see it
" am i ok to walk out my door "
" yes"

just as i walked out my mother was rushing over to me
" dear prime where have you been i've been looking for you all morning "
" oh um i just woke up "
" you what, for the love of prime phil we have very important guessts waiting on us i told you this last night to be ready "
i just looked at her with a plan expression ,
i mean this isnt the first time this type of thing has happened ,
a couple years ago when i was supposed to be married to this princess from a very and i mean very far kingdom ,
her family had come over for dinner before the ball and i forgot and over slept ,
when the next morring came my morther had ran into my room yelling and freaking out about me 'ruining my only chance at merrige'.
mother then sanpped me out of my head for her to
proceeded to pull me and ian to the main dining room where the kingdom of death's royal family was sat waiting for us to come and join them ,
there were three princesses sat down but their face's were covered by very big hats with very thick lace hanging off of the brim ,
the shortesst one was sat on the left nearesst to their mother ,
the seccond born was on the right nearesst to their grandmother ,
and last but not least the oldest ,
she was sat between the other two,
even though i can't see her face i just know that she is beautiful ,
they way she giggles sounds like music to my ears ,
her gental hands brushing together every now and than as she wispers with her sisters ,
the way she moves so gracefully ,
she is the first person i think i'll ever fall in love with,
i mean she already has my intresst .


kristens pov:

i dont know why but i couldnt stop giggiling with my sisters ,
no matter what we tried i just couldnt stop ,
i swear i'd lose my head if it wassnt screwed on my neck ,
me and the girls had these very annoying hats on that made it impossible to see none the less eat ,
the two boys had come down after an hour of waiting ,
and wow they were not what i expected at all ,
not one bit ,
i mean i wassnt expecting much but still
this was a shock ,
i mean at least they wernt hideous ,
but i do gotta say i couldnt really see them
because of this






i honestly dont know how mother is able to wear this thing without misstaking someone as someone they arnt ,

i mean honestly i almost dropped my food on my lap as i was trying to eat because i didnt know where it was ,

by the time everyone had finished eating i was only a third way done but yet i stopped because mother was eyeing me to put my fork down ,

the other kingdoms royal faimalys had finished eating and had begun to talk about the ball ,

which was very and i mean very boring ,

i had worked up the courage to ask if i could be excused for a moment and mother said yes which is a very big supprise ,

i got up and left to wonder around the halls of the castle ,

i heard soeone else ask to be excused ,

i hurryid away from the dining hall as fast as i could since i heard them coming twords me ,
i ran streaght into some type of libary ,

i wondered around a bit until i found an opening to a garden .

ayup so i know i havent been uploding but things got in the way but i am posing this tonight and then gonna start on the next chapter also very sorry for any misspelling i am very tired and am only awake because of caffeine

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