SURPRISE! PK Academy is gayer than you thought

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"In addition, we would like to welcome you all to the school year."

I stood in PK Academy's assembly hall, along with the rest of the school, next to my sister, Hiromi. I held in a bored sigh as I looked at her.

'How many times is this guy gonna say 'In addition'?'

Hiromi rolled her eyes in agreement. 

'I wasted my precious sleeping time to get up early for this?'  She seemed to say with her eyes.

My sister and I have this perfectly normal connection with each other where we always know roughly what the other is thinking, and can silently communicate our thoughts to each other. ...What? Its because we're twins! That kind of connection is special, isn't it?

'What was that about me?'

'I was just thinking about how dumb you are.'

'I actually-'

"GUESS WHOOOO?" a loud voice calls out from somewhere behind us.

Romi and I instinctively turn towards the sound, but we both know who it is.

Riki Nendou.

Infamous throughout the school for his intimidating, gangster-like appearance. I say that, but he's really a good kid, and I'd even consider him to be a friend of mine. Then again, I consider everyone a friend. Most people didn't like him though, so the question was, who was he talking to?


I peered above the students' heads to get a better look. Ah. Nendou stood behind an average looking boy, his hands covering the shorter guy's eyes. That pink-haired boy was Kusuo Saiki, a pretty antisocial kid in my class. I'd talked to him before on multiple occasions, but they were mostly one-sided conversations. He had a sarcastic, cat-like energy, a little like my sister, but unlike Romi, Saiki was a lot quieter. Him and Nendou seemed to be close, though, so they must have had some sort of special friendship. 

Despite Nendou's disruptive speaking, the headmaster continued droning on, as if nothing had happened. Just as Nendou was about to say something else, there was a loud thud from a ways behind the two, who turned to see Takahashi, a curly green-haired boy, lying collapsed on the floor.

Ohhhhh shit.

Nendou screamed, and ran to Takahashi's side, panicked. He started shaking his body, and...punching him? 


Grabbing Takahashi's face, Nendou pulled him up and kissed him.

This got really weird really fast.

A teacher showed up. "Nendou! What do you think you're doing? Take him to the nurse."

"What? The nurse? Okay, right!"

..Is he gonna just move past that?

The teacher turned away from Nendou. "Hey, Saiki, why don't you go with the two of them? I don't trust Nendou to find it."

Saiki turned, irritated, but complied. Romi and I watched Saiki and Nendou carry Takahashi's limp body out of the hall.

'I'm ready for this to be over.'  She glanced over to Saiki and Nendou. 'Let's go follow them.'

'I thought you'd never ask.'

We snuck out of the hall, careful to not be seen, and headed over to the medical room, where Saiki and Nendou were going. 

(A/N :this ones kinda short sorry lmao)

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