Visit to The Wiz World

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I was teleported through a mirror.
I was thrilled, and a bit infused with terror.
It was paradoxical, It was absurd—
I found myself in the World of Wizard.

There I saw Wiz Academic University.
No one knows—it was fallacious or reality!
It seemed like a mickle castle with a cloudy base,
In which I found a spiral staircase.

I thought it was just a dream.
To confirm, I pinched myself and also screamed,
But it was truly a fantasy world,
Whose mystery was quite curled.

I also participated in the Annual Besom Riding Race.
I tried to ride it with some pace.
Had fun, but stood last!
Then, from University, I heard a BLAST!

In time equals to a blink of an eye,
I found myself in a room with a wiz saying, "Goodbye!"
He pushed me into a purplish-sapphire hole.
My sweet dream, by him, had been stolen.

When I awoke, found myself on my bed.
The autumn season came, dreamy leaves were shed.
Since then, I've never reached there again.
Still waiting for the showers of the dreamy rain.

                     — Jyoti Juneja

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