Origin Pt.4: Bet

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Laureana, her parents, and Luke ate lunch together in the dining room. Anselmo and Maria felt the tension between their daughter and Luke. "Mr. and Mrs. Quinteras, I am happy to say that your daughter and I have settled our differences this morning. "We agreed to have a ride and get to know more with one another."

Anselmo raised his eyebrows. "Really? I am shocked."

"Well, that is wonderful. At least she let a man near her," said Maria.

When Luke finished eating, he stood from his seat. "I will be going to the horse stables. I look forward to seeing you when you finish eating, Laureana." He walked out of the dining room.

"¿Que acaba de suceder? (What just happened?)" asked Maria.

"¡Un milagro! (A miracle!)" Anselmo looked at Laureana, who ate in silence. "You're done eating; go to Mr. Luke Bixby."

"I haven't finished."

"You're done. Go to him, now!" Laureana glared at her Father as she took a piece of bread and left. "Mr. Luke has an interest in Laureana."

Maria sipped from her cup. "A Gringo nonetheless. Why does it matter?"

"Laureana is our one hope to keep our lands and home."

"Are you saying Laureana should marry him to keep our land?"

Anselmo sat thoughtfully. "If he marries Laureana, she will become the lady of these lands. We will be able to stay here."

The matriarch sighed while sipping her tea. "Laureana will never agree to such a thing. She hates him."

"Her feelings aren't important. She will eventually do what needs to be done. She deeply loves these lands and will do anything for them."

"I have nothing else to say." Maria stood from her seat and decided to go water her garden.

Meanwhile, Laureana strolled towards the horse stables. She wanted the ground to take her down, not bring her back to the surface. "I can't believe that I have to spend time with that Gringo!" She arrived at the horse stables; Luke stood before his horse, brushing its hair.

He noticed her. "Why, hello there, Miss. Laureana. Glad to see you."

"Like I had a choice."

"You did have a choice; you chose to save your skin. Happy you did; the horses are ready." He motioned his right hand and was ready to help Laureana get on her horse. She walked past him and got on the horse without trouble. Once on their horses, they rode out of the horse stables and toward the path that led them to crops and workers. They waved to Laureana. She smiled and waved back as she commanded the horse to slow down. Luke did the same; they were next to one another. They kept riding on the plains as they viewed the grass and the mountains afar. "What kind of man was your brother like?"

"He was a gentleman, strong-willed, and he loved us all. Even the people who work for us loved him since he treated everyone with respect. Tomas chose to join the army because he was worried for our safety and well-being. It was pointless in the end." The memory of Tomas came to her; tears formed. They were wiped away.

"I'm sorry for your brother." Luke didn't receive a response. "Do you and your family know where you will live?"

"Juarez, Mexico. We have family there."

Luke gave a slight nod. "You don't seem happy about that."

She gave him an annoyed expression. "You aren't as bright as you think you are."

He shook his head amusingly. "You are the most difficult woman I have ever met. The other ladies I've been acquainted with don't have mouths like yours."

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