Chapter 1

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Last night we reunited with Theo Raeken, our old elementary school friend who now happens to be a werewolf. And although I'm happy to see him, Theo coming back is all Stiles talked about during the ride home. It was filled with him already not trusting Theo and saying how I shouldn't trust him either. But truth be told I had no reason to not trust him, we were bestfriends and before he left he told me about the crush he had on me. I remember how he promised he would come back to beacon hills for me one day so that he could be with me. Even though we were pretty young I still thought it was cute. But enough of all that and back to the fact that Stiles is now obsessed with not trusting Theo.

Stiles claimed he doesn't trust Theo because he just got here and is already trying to join the pack. But I mean maybe that's all he wants, no ulterior motive like he thinks.

I thought he came back for me when I first saw him, but after he asked to be in the pack I understood. He came back for a family. So for Stiles to be so skeptical it makes zero sense. And while on the way to school all Stiles is talking about is how he we shouldn't let Theo in the pack and how we can't trust him.

"Guys just listen to me, how can he just get here and already be asking to join the pack. It has been YEARS since we saw him much less even talked to him" Stiles said pretty fast

"Is it just possible Stiles I mean even remotely possible, that he came back just for a pack I mean even a family Stiles" I questioned Stiles

"No that's not it, I can tell I mean something is off about him and although I'm not sure what. I know there is something about him that he's not telling us and I will figure it out" Stiles claimed as he pulled into a parking spot at the school.

I ran out of the car as fast as possible and ran over to Lydia. As I gave her a hug I pulled away which caused Lydia to give me a confused look.

"I will really need you to pick me up in the morning for school, at least until my car is fixed. I can not handle any more of Stiles' rants on how Theo is evil and we can't trust him, I mean seriously he just got back how can my brother already be accusing him of being EVIL." I ranted to Lydia as she just stared at me while she listened

"Okay I'll pick you up at 7am tomorrow" Lydia told me pretty calmly actually

"Thank you" I said to her honestly relieved considering I couldn't handle anymore of Stiles' rants.

I mean I have to go home with the nut job, which is something none of the others could say I guess except for malia considering she goes home with us everyday. But as all 6 of us walked into the school I was stopped by the one and only Theo Raeken, who gave me that all angelic smile he used to give me when we were younger.

"Goodmorning guys, hey sof " Theo said to us with a smile

"Hey Theo" I said to him getting caught up staring at him although I was broke out of my thoughts when I saw Stiles dragging Scott away from Theo.

"Ummm... Sof what's your first class? I thought maybe I could take you even though I don't know much about this school" he said with one of his angelic smiles

"I have history, but what do you have I don't want you to be late" I asked him because it's his first day at this school and he should be able to make a good impression

"I actually have that class too so that means we can walk there together" he said with a wider smile than his usual

I just decided to nod my head, and with that me and Theo started walking to class. As we entered, our teacher let us choose our own seats . So I sat with Theo simply because I thought it was the best thing to do.

15 minutes later

We were about 15 minutes into class before Lydia texted me "Sofiya I need your help come to my mom's office". As I read the text I quickly grabbed my phone and bag, running out of the classroom.

Abomination •female oc x Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now