♡Strange Hunger♡

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Hunger. That's all I felt, intense hunger.

'I don't know what's going on, do I tell Alastor? No, he's asleep. He must be very tired from casting that protection spell around our property to keep us safe and from any intruders from breaking in.' I thought, as the hunger then became more intense.

'I need to find food, anything, I don't care what it is, as long as its edible and will be able to satisfy this hunger.'

I quickly and quietly got up from the bed, making sure not to wake Alastor. I tiptoed through the dark, down the long hallway and down the staircase and into the kitchen. 'Maybe there's some leftover venison from last night's meal?' I thought to myself as I walked towards the fridge. I carefully opened the fridge, trying not to make little to no sound. I looked through the contents that were stored in the fridge, nothing. No venison, no nothing. 'Great.' I thought, as I released a sigh of anger and defeat.

Third POV

Along the outskirts of Y/N and Alastor's property, a demon has managed to get past Alastor's protection spell barrier and is approaching their home. Y/N decides to sit on the floor and waits for the hunger to subside. Just then, they heard a twig snap in the distance but just loud enough for them to hear.


As I was sitting on the floor, I heard a twig snap in the distance, but just loud enough for me to hear. 'What was that? How did someone get through Alastor's spell barrier?' I thought as panic and confusion rose in me. 'Maybe his spell disappeared, he did say that the spells he can cast only last for a few days. Maybe I should go check it out?'

When I got outside, I saw a demon coming towards the house. He seemed to be carrying a bag. 'Their property here to steal our belongings to get some extra cash.' I thought as I stood on the porch of the house.

Then something happened.

Something snapped.

The hunger.

It's getting stronger.

It's more intense then what it was before.

Third POV

Something inside Y/N had snapped. They transformed into their demon form and charged at the demon. They barred their sharp fangs and claws. They pounched onto the demon, like a hungry cat searching for prey. They clawed at the demon, smiling as they heard the demon yell a blood curdling scream. They began to devour the demon's insides, tearing and pulling at the young demon's internal organs.


'What's happening? Why am I attacking this demon? Why am I ripping them limb from limb? The hunger. This hunger has driven me over the edge.' I thought as I tore at the demon.

Alastor's POV

I awake to the sound of screaming. 'Is Y/N okay? Are they safe? I must find them, and fast.' I thought to myself as I jumped out of bed and hurried my way toward the screaming. Once I was there, I came face to face with a horrendous sight. Y/N. They were sitting on the ground, a few meters away from the front porch. They seemed to be covered in blood, their mouth, hands, and shirt were covered in a deep blood red color. I looked towards the dead, lifeless body of the demon. The demon was laying on their back, organs and blood were everywhere. I could care less about the demon, but for right now, I'm more concerned for my lover as they started to scream in agonizing pain. They were holding their head in their hands. 'What's happening to you, my darling?' I thought as I watched them with fear and concern.

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