♡Confession Within the Woods♡

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This oneshot was requested by AllisonTart

Thank you so much for being so patient and kind! I wanted to give this oneshot a little twist! With that being said, onto the oneshot!

Third POV

Y/N and Alastor have been the very best of friends, inseparable even. Ever since Alastor came to the hotel to help Charlie with her redemption project, Y/N was very interested in meeting the so called Radio Demon that everyone in hell was talking about. Ever since Alastor came to the hotel, Y/N's feelings for him increased by the minute. It's true with what they say, serial killers have this charm to them that woman are drawn to, and Y/N was definitely one of them.

It was just another day at the hotel, not many demon's were coming by since no one believed that Charlie's redemption project was going to even work. It was that or demon's knew that the Radio Demon was working there and they didn't want to cross his path. Nonetheless, it was a slow day. But this day was a special day, a special day for a certain demon. Today, they were going to confess their feelings to the Radio Demon, Alastor.


'Okay Y/N, today's the day. I'm going to confess my feelings to Alastor!' I thought as I put the last finishing touches to the letter I was making for him. 'Okay, I think I'm ready.' I told myself as I left my hotel room in search for the deer demon.

I found him on the hotel lobby, he was sitting at the bar talking to Husk. My stomach began to fill up with butterflies as I slowly approached him. I began to feel my cheeks heat up, my palms became sweaty, and my whole body was shaking from how nervous I was. 'C'mon Y/N, don't make a fool of yourself.' I thought as I got closer to the bar, Husk noticed my nervous demeanor. He instantly knew why I was acting this way, so he excused himself from Alastor, so that Alastor and I could talk alone. Husk walked over to me. " Good luck." He quietly stated, as he walked over to Nifty, who was cleaning a book shelf.

I walked over to Alastor, he was drinking a cup of coffee, black just how he liked it. "G-good morning Alastor!" I stuttered, my face heating up more as he turned to look at me. "Ah, good morning my dear!" Alastor said, smiling widely as he stood up. He then noticed my nervous demeanor and flustered face. He leaned forward, looking directly into my eyes, smirking. I looked down at the floor, avoiding any eye contact. "Are you feeling alright darling? Your face is all flushed." He stated, as he lifted my chin up with his finger, so that I was looking directly at him. I felt my face heat up once again, why is he so close! (>//////<)

"H-here you go A-Alastor!" I said quickly as I handed him to neatly folded letter I had written earlier. "H-have a nice d-day!" I said as i ran away as quickly as possible so that no one could see how embarrassed I was.

Alastor's POV

I watched as they ran away saying 'have a nice day'. I looked at the neatly folded letter that they had given me. I began to open the letter, curiosity building up inside me as I wanted to know what was written on the letter.

Dear Alastor,

Please meet me in the woods behind the hotel, I want to talk to you about something important.

Your friend, Y/N

I read the letter oven and over again. 'They want me to meet them in the woods? What for? What is so important that they want to talk about? Why not talk to me in the hotel?' I thought as i made my way out of the hotel. "Nevertheless, I should go meet them in the woods and see what they want to talk about that is so important." I said to myself as I made my way towards the woods that was located behind the hotel.

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