ONE: A Boat Docked At Shore

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Natalie sat atop the wall of rocks her friends sat behind, running one of her hands through her chin length black hair.

"Hey," Jean spoke quietly. "You need to get down from there. Hange doesn't want us being spotted."

She turned her head to look at him, a blank look on her face, before she merely shrugged and got off the rock.

"Never letting me have fun, man." She said in a low voice, sniffling and rubbing at her nose nonchalantly.

She watched tiredly as a boat slowly approached the shores of Paradis.

"You think these guys'll kill us?" She asked, mostly to herself.

Connie side eyed her, giving her a weird look.

Jean answered."if both us and them play our cards right, hopefully none of us will die."

The freckled faced girl blew out a puff of air, leaning against the formation of rocks while limply holding the shotgun in her hands.

"I'm so damn tired." She said. "Why did we have to come?"

Jean just scoffed, not answering her. He was tired of her bullshit already, and they had barley been out here for two hours.

The conversations stopped there as Captain Levi motioned for them to all stay silent, watching as the boat was being lifted by Eren's Titan and dropped onto the ground covered in rock and sand.

Everyone looked on as Hange ran up to the edge of the cliff, their arms thrown out.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen of Marley!" They shouted out, a wide smile on their face. "Welcome to Paradis Island! Nice to meet'cha, I'm Hange! And it's an honor to welcome guests who have sailed oh so far across the sea to come here. The trip must've left you exhausted, so why not join us for some tea?"

Natalie began to tune it all out, her mind growing fuzzy with exhaustion, the bags under her eyes surely becoming worse.

But, as much as she wanted to, she had to listen.

She watched as Levi brought forth the prisoner that had come to the island days before, named Niccolo.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Hange said excitedly. "If you were curious about this guest of ours, he arrived just before you, and we're already getting along splendidly! Isn't that right? Tell them, Niccolo!"

They threw their arms around the blonde man, ignoring how he tensed and shuddered.

Levi pressed a sword to his back, urging him to speak.

"Please, captain! Forget about me, and run these Devils down while you can!"

"Huh?!" Hange exclaimed in false shock. "What are you saying, Niccolo?!" They laughed out.

"He's saying he doesn't want to be part of your shitty skit." Levi said, slowly getting annoyed with them.

The Captain of the ship muttered something Natalie was barley able to make out, all she saw was the angered look on his face, and the movement of his lips.

The man clothed in white shot up from his crouched position, raising his gun.

"Know this you wretched Devils! Marley doesn't negotiate with filthy bloods like you! And we're certainly not going to sit down and drink the pig piss you call tea!"

Natalie internally scoffed, a scowl overcoming her tired features. Didn't this asshole know he was outmatched? Seeing as there was a Titan Shifter very intent on killing them if he could?

"Aw, you sure about that?!" Hange yelled out. "Maybe you should be more polite! Unless you want to piss of the Titan looming behind you!"

The man never lowered his gun, never faltered, even when threatened. Good soldier.

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