FIVE: Ground Tossed

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Natalie hesitated walking outside and to the training grounds. Her and her friends were supposed to work on physical training today, but she didn't know if she could face Armin after what had happened the night before.

She thought she had let her feelings for the blonde boy subside long ago, but a certain turn of events were telling her differently.

Despite it, however. She couldn't help but feel... Guilty. Having these beaten down feelings slowly rise to the surface had her conflicted due to another blonde she had feelings for.

She knew her and Yelena would never be, no matter what the woman had said. Her hopes had all but diminished at this point.

Taking a deep breath, she walked down the rest of the corridor and outside.

Captain Levi and Commander Hange were standing Infront of her friends, and her brother and sister, probably waiting for her to show up.

She walked towards the group, and Levi side-eyed her.

"Glad you could join us today, Monet. You've been absent from daily training for a few days now."

She saluted him, offering an apologetic look.

"I apologise, Captain. I haven't been doing well these past few days, but I'll be sure to work hard to catch up on what I missed."

He nodded, and gestured for her to join the others.

As she walked, she also spotted the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers a bit of a ways away, standing at distance, which was fair. They weren't allowed anywhere near Eren.

Armin caught sight of her first, and he sent her a toothy grin, and a small wave.

Her shoulders tensed and hunched all the way to her ears as she walked past him stiffly and stood far away from him.

It's not like she hated him, or was angry at him, but she felt awkward around him now.

As she stood next to Sasha, she caught sight of Yelena looking at her from where she and the other Volunteers were standing, an unreadable look on her face.

Before she could ponder on it for too long though, Hange spoke.

"What we want to work on today is hand to hand combat, self defense, and general combat. Now, I know you all probably worked on this in Cadet Training, but there are a few of you that still need to perfect it."

A few of Natalie's friends, including herself, glanced at Eren.

Her friend didn't exactly place the highest in combat training, he more excelled in the 3DMG training back in the Cadets.

"I'm going to be pairing you all with who I think you'll work best with. Try not to injure eachother too much."

Eventually, everyone was paired up.

Mikasa with Sasha.

Eren with Jean.

Connie with Adri.

Armin with Maliath.

And Natalie left by herself.

She let out a sad noise in the back of her throat, slumping her shoulders.

"It's just like my childhood all over again." She whispered.

Hange placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we can find someone for you to work with. How about... Oh, Floch!"

Natalie grimaced, narrowing her eyes at the ginger as he approached.

She looked up at Hange.

"Can't it literally be anyone else? I can trade with Adri. Ginger with a ginger?"

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