✨Chapter 2✨

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Alfie: boss?
Mayaa: I'll run it if he's not here
Kokichi: I'm back also thx for the offer mayaa but I can run it
Kokichi: welcome to dice meeting 1271
Mayaa: damn that's a lot
Kokichi: the date is 31/8/21
Mayaa: time here is 4:10 am
Kokichi: here it's 12:10 am
Stacey: So what's this meeting about
Kokichi: first I gotta check if hearts are present @hearts
Alfie: @hearts
Alfie: @hearts
Alfie: @hearts @hearts @hearts @hearts
Amor: what!
Kokichi: now we can start
Stacey: and now I can figure out what is going on
Kokichi: so Alfie can you please explain to everyone what the meeting is about.
Alfie: oh well... you know about the whole new school sitch well uhhh what are we gonna do when we get there like ffs we did not think about this.
Stacey: ohhhh you mean like how we are gonna act and shit
Alfie: yeah no duh
8==D: I think we should just act the way we feel most comfortable you know that means that yes we may separate a little but I think it could be a somewhat good idea
Bruno: omfg why did u do that
Alfie: do what
Bruno: u know what u did
8==D has been changed to Alistair
Alistair: thank you, Bruno
Bruno: no problem
Stacey: I think that maybe we should organise something refer to dice as having over 100,000 members maybe to increase fear of dice
Celeste: oooooh that's cool
Stacey: as long as we get the story straight between us then we should be all good
Kokichi: oh and Celeste what did you find from your online stalking of students
Celeste: that makes it sound creepy
Kokichi: that's cuz it is...
Celeste: ok shut up.
Celeste: I found out that there are 16 kids per class but there have been some exceptions over the years. There is a guy named Byakuya who is extremely rich and is the ultimate affluent prodigy from that
Mayaa: wow they really be giving out talents to anyone these days
Alistair: hey!
Mayaa: sorry Alistair did I hurt u and ur tile of ducking earl
Alistair: yeah kinda!
Celeste: shut up u two
Celeste: also there is an ultimate chef who is a complete perv and I saw he follows belle delphine and all that shit. So Ewww and there is even a highly advanced robot, an anthropologist, and a few other interesting talents.
Celeste: I was also able to find a list of major juveniles for example Toko fukawa has a second personality? I'm her head called genocide jack or Jill who kills people with these cool ass scissors. And a load more names... I could only find last names for most tho which was annoying.
Kokichi: damn but please do read this list I am intrigued
Celeste: ok So the list is Haruka was no first name, Ryoma no last name, Junko eniosima and her twin mukro, a Mikan sumiki is attached to those 2, a girl called Celestia Lundeberg is on there for cheating in a poker game, geno ofc, a kid called Sahara for failing and what I did. And oh yeah the obvious Alfie, me Phoenix, Stacey, Lizzie and kokichi to add as well.
Celeste: there might be more but I couldn't find them yet
Amor: that's a lot of people
Kokichi: ok so plan we will create sort of recordings of us finding more info about these people to create somewhat meetings and then we can find out who they are what they did and how to keep ourselves safe.
Phoenix: ok...
Kokichi: if we are all on the same page about this the meeting can be adjourned.
Ace: quick question
Kokichi: go-ahead
Ace: should we hide our personalities and shit
Kokichi: yes for our safety and so that there are no weak points to prod and pry at until the truth is found cuz that would be bad like extremely bad.
Ace: ok
Kokichi: is there any more questions?
Liz: nope
Mayaa: I don't think so
Alistair: no
Amor: noooope
Kokichi: sooo I say that's meeting adjourned at wow 1:27 pm damn
Phoenix: now it's 5:27 am
Ace: all right gang we should all be heading back to bed, not including Celeste and kokichi cuz that would seem lazy of them.
Kokichi: Nah I think I will cuz it passes time well.
Ace ah ok
Bruno: good night Koichi

I put my phone face down on my bedside table and got under the covers. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.
774 words :)
2 chapters woop

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