✨chapter 5✨

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Ace pov
"Alfie...I-it's n-not that bad" nick stuttered out. We where all on a train god knows why but we where there.
Alfie was sitting knees to his chest on the soft train seat his head lent on me.

"Alfie can you put you leg down please it needs a plaster" Bruno's Italian accent was strong and he was knelt down on the wooden floor of the train (surprisingly big gap between the 2 sets on seats but then again Bruno is quite small) he was holding a first aid kit in his left hand and a disinfectant wipe in his right.

"Oh come on Alfie seriously" liz was started laughing "falling in to a bin isn't that bad" she was absolutely pissing her self laughing at this point using her long twin tails to cover her face out of embarrassment. "And then-then tripping over the bin and hitting your knees on the bin and falling face first in to a puddle." "He could of drowned" Stacey choked out. Now both of them cackling like hyenas. "And then-and then your-" "alright you two need to shut up!" Alfie said almost embarrassed.

I felt bad for him so I put my arm around him for a little comfort. He just kinda stared at me blankly until he said "remember when liz got that bucket stuck on her head and we called her buckets for a good 3 months" he started chuckling to himself. I laugh with him "kokichi AND Celeste told liz not to stick it on her head and she did it anyway"

"All of you need to pack it in and Alfie I still have to fix your knees" I look away from Alfie and look around a little. The train sets are softer than a normal bus seat and more comfortable. Alfie, Phoenix, me and Stacey all take up the one seat set and Bruno, Amor, Alistair, mayaa and liz take up the other.

The smallest pair in our group is mayaa and Phoenix. Mayaa being 4"11 and Phoenix being 5"0. They both have very bright personalities and styles not so much with the mind. They both kinda dim BUT Phoenix is really really quick at reading writing and spelling and mayaa is very kind.

Phoenix has short white hair that like spiky but is as soft as a cloud. He is very pale probably from not going outside enough as a kid. He always where's the same neon jacket it kinda looks similar to the one that sans wore in undertale .Now to think about it Phoenix does kinda match Sans' colour scheme kinda? SANS IS PHOENIX CONFORMED. Anyway back to his jacket. It's like most of the panels of it are different obnoxiously bright colours to the point that he looks like a multi pack of hi-lighters that every kid insisted on having in the start of year 7 (y7= 11-12 and the start of secondary school )  but in the end you just use them to colour in doodles on your page. I get it. Anyway the front right... or is it left
"Ace what are you doing?" Alistair asks with a quizzical expression. "He's doing the left right thing with his hands duh" mayaa says sarcastically "well no shit Sherlock I just want to know why" I look at Phoenix and he turns to me "the pink in on my right" I say "I think he huffed to much pritt stick" amor mumbles under there breath  "nah that stuffs the good shit... he probably just used one of those silly little white board pens that run out quickly-" "you mean the stupid little trianglular prismy ones that just run out like bitches." "YEAH" Alfie says agreeing with Stacey. "You did not try and huff a white board pen did you... Alfie that can cause damages to your brain and liver!" Bruno yelled

Anyway again Phoenix's jacket has the neon pink panel on my right so basically if you where looking at him straight on. And on my left is a yellow panel. Then the pockets are orange and the sleeves are blue and the back and the hood are purple. And it's zip is black. Underneath this colourful monstrosity that you can se from 50 miles away is a plain long sleeve white T-shirt. Because he is a basic bitch.

I look around at what is going on around me and I see this Bruno still trying to get Alfie to let him just look at the bleeding wounds on his knees. The battles scars. Emo vs puddle vs bin. It was a war. Elizabeth and Stacey making jokes at Alfie's expense like a pair of dicks, Phoenix just quietly watching this all go down like yep this is awfully social... can I leave please, amor sleeping now, and Alistair holding a cup of tea? And mayaa just kinda talking to him... there probably arguing about something... it's probably no no no mayaa your bright pastel blue dungaree dress is cute and all but I hate it with a burning passion and mayaa arguing like hey at least I dress like I'm from this era you little Victorian lad. OH SHIT how could I forget something so important as this... Phoenix wears roller skates as well like everywhere. There neon pink the same colour as his jacket and the laces are bright yellow and the wheels and they are soooook fuckkkkking cooooooool.

"Alfie let me loook at it at least" I turn my attention back to Bruno and Alfie for now Alfie sat with his knees tucked in to his baggy ass 3 sizes to big t-shirt now. Like no joke man's could fit in to a small but nope he likes hiding himself in a large Cuz he is insecure and that makes me sad now. Usually Alfie chooses to wear jeans but today he decided hey let's wear some black knee high shorts. Damn was that a mistake on his part. It seems the universe is just out to get him. "Alfie listen you need Bruno to clean that it looked kinda mankey and you would want it to get infected and then have to go to the doctors for it" (mankey is a very common term btw) there is scared him now. He hates doctors and medical shit. Go me. I feel awful.

I'm about to apologise when he says "fine, fine guess Brunie can look at it then" he removed his knees from under his T-shirt and puts his feet well booted feet on the floor. "Thank you and also please don't call me brunie" finally Bruno can disinfect Alfie's bloody knees. He cringes slightly as the disinfect wipe touches the injury luckily he has a very high pain tolerance so it's all good. "So ummm the last time I actually used this first aid kit was when Julietta fell of her bike" Julietta is the name of Bruno's 7 year old sister who only seems to like Alistair for some odd reason. "And because of this the only plasters in here are lighting McQueen, peppa pig,some...Disney princesses? And Winnie the Pooh, oh oh some cute bug ones, and uhhhhh minions you can pick one of you want Alfie.. OH OH WE GOT THE GOOD STUFF MY LITTLE PONY PLASTERS." He took out the two large plasters (band aids if you didn't know already) one with rainbow dash and the the other with flutter shy and omg Alfie's face lit up as he saw these things.

Bruno had put the pony plasters on now and it makes Alfie look like he is just one tall 7 year old. But he's happy so why should I care. I cant wait to figure out why where on this stupid train.

1311 words

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