⚠️Chapter 13⚠️

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Tw: talks of underage sex,jokes about underage sex, jokes about stabbings

Kaitos pov
"Sooo Bruno, how's your mum bin ya know since we haven't been able to bang for a while" Celeste said while chuckling under her breath. "Jeeze Celeste ur one horny fucker. All you talk about is banging everyone's mum's, has she gotten worse since ya moved kich cuz she can't find anyone desperate enough to fuck her" Bruno said looking at her with a smug look. That's when I remember. One of the 2 is named Alfie and Alfie is the name of my roommate. "Hey which one of you is Alfie again... ya see I was told that one of my roommates was named Alfie." The boy with black hair spun around as the others kept walking and looked me in the eyes his grey eye piercing through my soul.

He wasn't tall by any means about 5"7 with boots on that where decorated with colourful little beads. And his outfit made him look like the grim reaper especially the poncho. That's when he looked me up and down and said "are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me." Wow was not expecting that. He then put his gloves hands to his face and groaned "ugggggggghh why meeee" and then he lifted his head and said "okay who is roommates with Phoenix and are you willing to trade." That's when mx watanabe jumped in "ah- well you can't switch you see your mono pads are only linked to your room which means you can't switch unless there's a serious reason." Alfie folded his arms and huffed "your actually fucking kidding right like genuinely mate." Mx watanabe cringed knowing that they had to deal with Alfie "no... Alfie I'm not joking also can you try and not say curse words." Alfie just snapped and said "no" crossed his arms and quickly sped back up to dice who where still talking and kokichi turned around "so can you disclose who Phoenix's roommate issssss we promise that we won't threaten them or anything we just want to knowwww ya knowww?" Mx watanabe looked at the group and said "why do you all want to know so badly I know he's a member of your little club but your being a little nosy in his business." Celeste piped up "welllllll sorry if Phoenix goes mute again because he's so scared that he doesn't know anyone that he gets so overwhelmed and just doesn't speek again to deal with it." Oh. That's not good like at all. "Ah-I'll have a look for you on the system in that case... I've heard things about Phoenix but I just wasn't fully aware that it was Phoenix they where talking about."

While mx watanabe was looking through the system someone's phone buzzed. Alfie's phone. Alfie pulled out his phone adorned with an mcr welcome to the black parade phone case that's one of shuichis favourite bands! And put his phone up to his right ear.

"Jaz jaz how are you... nah way that's sick... ok where are you at...near a little wooded bit... can you tell daisy to bugger off for a little bit... well then fuck you too luv... so yeah you want to meet me and the other little bastards by the entrances of the woods... is Ollie with you... oh noice well if ya do find him tell him I've got a 6 foot hole with his name on it... see ya jaz jaz. Alfie then ended the call and that's when I realised he is very British like VERY BRITISH.

"Phoenix is roommates with shuichi and who was that you where speaking too sorry to be nosy it's just important that i know for your safety" mx watanabe said trying to insert themselves in to the conversation. "Ah it was just a mate of mine anyway we gota bugger off-" Alfie said but mx watanabe turned him down very quickly "ha no my job as your teacher is to keep you safe and this doesn't sound safe at all so can you please, please tell me what that phone call was about."

"Now I really gotta know what that was about!" It was miu that's when Bruno said something in Italian? Wait he can speak Spanish and Italian that's really cool! No one really understood what he said until Rantaro piped up "uhh Bruno that wasn't very pg of you!" Bruno's eyes widened "waiiiit... you know Italian" Rantaro nodded and Bruno started to blush "you won't tell her what I said... right?" and that's when Rantaro gave him a sly smile "sooo,you don't want me to tell miu that you called her a bitchy whore correct?" "ANYWAY!" Kokichi interjected "what does jaz want? like Ik he's a horny bastard, but dude it's like 11 how does he wanna bang you this early in the day!" Mx watanabe looked at both of them with a concerned glance "boys you know that it's very illegal for you to be having sex at your age. Your both not even 15 yet let alone 16!"

Both kokichi and Alfie started laughing like it was a joke. Alfie clutched his stomach and kokichi said with tears of hysterics in his eyes "mate do you think anyone actually listened to the law like dude where from the 3rd world shit hole called green hill mate people shag and knife up whoever they want" That's when shuichis eyes lit up.

"Wait you 2 are from green hill like THE green hill-" Alfie interrupted "no... no different green hill luv" shuichi looked really bummed I wonder why he got so excited over a town named green hill...

Kokichis pov

Alfie: omg there is no actual fucking way he's gonna fall for it
Kokichi: nah like he's just gonna pull up a map and realise that we where spouting shit
Alfie: I'll message jaz jaz and tell him to lie his ass off about green hill. I don't want to drag our pasts with us 💀
Kokichi: neither tbh
Alfie: oki glad I'm not the only one. What happend I'm green hill stays in green hill ya know what I mean.
Kokichi: yeah
Kokichi: anyway what did jasper really want unless he did wanna hook up
Alfie: he said he had a gift for me also me and jaz actually decided to stop hooking up I think it's for the best tbh neither of us are in a v good state atm
Kokichi: no way never knew that also yeah probs for the best tbh u where kinda using eachother as a destruction to bigger issues ngl unless I'm completely wrong
Alfie: nah I got it pretty on the nose 🙃
Kokichi: dammmn
Alfie: also why does that dude care so much like it's v stupid
Kokichi: dude that's are fucking teacher (there names mx watanabe)
Alfie: what 😀
Kokichi: u fucking idiot

"Boys! Where either of you even listening to me?" I looked up from my phone to see mx watanabe staring directly at me oh shit. They covered there mouth and said "I'm sorry for raising my voice but it's very important that you listen to me" Alfie looked at them and back to me and back to them again "are you going to confiscate me and kokichis phones?" They tilted there head slightly and then spoke "no of course not. That's a really silly punishment like genuinely what do you think that achieves like a punishment like that will just make a student angry and then they'll get in more trouble." Alfie looked shocked "wait seriously where not in trouble,like u ent just pulling my leg right?"Mx watanabe looked looked at him "no Alfie I'm not pulling your leg... why would I do that?" They asked out of pure curiosity " ah- don't worry about it mate." Alfie said putting his phone in his pocket and then looking at the floor.

"Alright so team we should probably go to where Alfie needs to meet his little friend because what's the point with continuing the tour since it's already gone a little off the rails" mx watanabe said clapping there hands together and picking up the box.

I hope jaspers not to much of a pain this time.

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