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as Lulu arrived at Brighton train station, she saw a lankey brown haired man who was all too familiar


'luluuuuuu! my favourite baby sister! how are you?'

'I'm good! but right now i really want some pepsi'

will grinned and out of his backpack, pulled out 2 cans of pepsi max, one regular and one rasberry. he passed lulu the regular one, and opened the rasberry one, taking a sip

they walked to the car and were approached by 2 young girls, one of which was dressed in lulu's merch.

'hey! are you lulu and wilbur?'

'yeah! loving your hoodie by the way'

'you should buy mine next' will said sarcastically

'we're both huge fans! could we have a picture?'

'we would love to!'

will and lulu posed with the girls for a selfie

'thanks so much!' and they jogged away smiling

'i love meeting fans, theyre always so nice' lulu exclaimed

will nodded in agreement as they entered the car

*timeskip to when they get home*

'here we are' lulu walked up to her flat (apartment) door and unlocked it'

'holy shit lulu its so cool in here! I've only been in london for a year, and you did this? its awesome!'

'holy shit lulu its so cool in here! I've only been in london for a year, and you did this? its awesome!'

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*(this is what it looks like)*

'awh will! i just did an ikea trip and looked at pinterest'

lulu chucked her keys onto the table in her room and flopped onto the bed. will sat down and his phone started ringing.

'one sec luls, its james'

will had mentioned james afew times to her, but all she realy knew is that he was a youtuber who was also a singer

around 30 minutes later, will wandered back in smiling and laughing

'ok thanks james! i'll tell lulu now, bye!'

he hung up the phone

'what was he sayingggggg?'

'he was saying how he's gonna come down and help me with some videos and songs! i know you like to help by yourself but i think you'll like james! he said to say hello to you!'

'ok awesome! i've been wanting to meet him because he's mates with alex isnt he?'

'yeah, they had a group channel not too long ago'

lulu hummed and looked over at her phone


'i've got to go set up stream, there's leftover chineese in the fridge if you want it will'

'im going to take you up on that offer my dearest sister, have a fun stream!'

lulu smiled and walked into her streaming room and got set up, putting the 'stream starting soon' screen for her 1.3 million twitch followers

ahh streaming chapter next! also expect to see james soon 👀 love you all loads! -kat :))

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